
Harry hadn't realized that he'd dozed off until Ron's snoring woke him up. He'd fallen asleep in an armchair with his neck at an odd angle and it hurt. The TV was still on and an old film Harry didn't know was playing. Ron was sprawled on the couch with several empty plates and bowls on the floor around him. Harry stood and stretched. He rubbed his neck as he climbed the stairs to check the babies. The house was very quiet and still, but not uninviting. Lindsay kept a lovely home, and it was a peaceful cheerful place despite Snape's presence. Although Harry had stayed here several times, he didn't feel at home, not like at the Burrow with its torn pillows and tattered furniture, and cluttered well-worn and well-loved interior. Just thinking of the Burrow brought a smile to his face; it was the nearest thing to home outside of Hogwarts that Harry had ever known and the happiest part of his childhood. Harry just couldn't take to the expensive woods and fine furniture in Lindsay's home. That's not to say that he didn't like Lindsay, the truth was he didn't really know her very well at all. She seemed like a nice person, but her constant talking and air-headed demeanor annoyed him.

The babies were sleeping in Lindsay's bedroom. A tiny light on the table illuminated the room with a soft green glow. The room was less feminine now that Snape occupied it. Gone was the sea of pastel colors and flowers as far as the eye could see. But neither was it a depressing space, nor overly masculine; it was a pleasant blending of masculine and feminine that resulted in an unpretentious yet upbeat space, a space that was both cheerful and relaxing. Harry felt very uncomfortable in this room, like he was intruding somehow. Harry knew that it was just his own mind because there was nothing uninviting about the room; it was just that he knew it was Snape's bedroom and that really put Harry off.

Harry leaned over Teddy's bassinet to have a look at his godson. He was sleeping in his own bassinet, the one Remus had packed for him instead of the one Snape had conjured. Harry thought Teddy's face looked a bit twitchy and leaned in a little. The usual slow procession of bright cheerful colors turned quickly to dark greens and browns. Teddy looked to be having a nightmare. "Shhh," said Harry softy as he gently patted Teddy's round belly. Teddy's eyes opened, and he had barely uttered the softest cry before Harry picked him up. Harry's chest suddenly felt warm and wet. "Someone needs a nappy change," whispered Harry. He fumbled a little as he tried to shift Teddy to one side so he could reach his wand. Handling babies was so much more natural for Ron, who made it look so easy. But Harry was so afraid of doing something wrong and possibly dropping or hurting Teddy that he made handling the infant more difficult than it actually was.

Harry managed to secure his wand and used some cleaning charms to clean Teddy's bassinet. He set Teddy down again, removed the baby's nappy by hand, and thanked Merlin that it was only wet. He dropped the soiled nappy in the clothes hamper across the room, and pulled a clean nappy from the pile that Lindsay had laundered earlier in the day and were stacked neatly in a chair. After a moment's indecision, Harry used his wand to clean his shirt and opted for a warm wet cloth to wipe Teddy down with. Securing the fresh nappy proved to be more difficult than Harry anticipated; it fell off when he picked Teddy up. Ron had done all the nappy changes earlier, Harry only watched. It took three tries before Harry got it right, and by this time Teddy's hair had turned bubble-gum pink, which made Harry laugh. The sound woke Nikki and a second nappy change followed; this time Harry did everything right on the first go.

Now Harry had two wide-awake babies to contend with and had no idea what to do with them. He certainly wasn't about to sing lullabies to them like Lindsay did, but then Harry didn't actually know any lullabies. He certainly didn't want to linger in Snape's bedroom, the thought of doing so was indescribably repellent, so he scooped up Nikki, who was much larger and heavier than Teddy, and then very carefully scooped up Teddy and made his way downstairs to settle in the chair he'd vacated. Ron had rolled over on the couch and wasn't snoring as loudly.

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