Icha Icha

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Amani sat on the large boulder, she held the latest issue of Icha Icha paradise. She was envious of Kakashi Hatake for having it even though the book wasn't even released yet. Her eyes scanned the pages, becoming more engrossed in the ink. She came to a paragraph that made her heart skip a beat.

He saw her, never before had his eyes laid upon such a beautiful creature.

Shikamaru laid on the hilltop, he watched the clouds drifting by. He thought of how Amani looked the last time he saw her. The way the shadows danced around her. That burning fire in her eyes.

She took a step towards him, as if up until this moment, she never knew the true meaning of being alive. He was everything to her.

Lee kicked another tree, he wanted to be stronger. He had to be. Never before had Lee trained so hard. He wanted to prove to Amani that he was the man for her.

His eyes drifted to her plump lips. Her long lashes tickled softly against his cheeks. He lifted her chin and -

"I'll be taking that thank you", Kakashi grinned as he took the book from Amanis grasp.

Amani leaned her head back and looked at him. "Kakashi Hatake you will give me that book back", she demanded. Kakashi smirked under his mask and folded his arms.

"Not up for calling me sensie?", he teased.

"I'm a jounin now. You aren't my sensie. You are my comrade", Kakashis eye widened at her. You really have matured.

He looked at the page she was at and grinned. "I got this only a few days ago but I have read it cover to cover around four times. This is my favourite chapter though.

Amani watched him, he spoke with genuine interest. He started rambling on about the characters and how he enjoyed watching them grow. Amani giggled sweetly causing him to stop and rub the back of his head.

"Aha... sorry I got carried away", he laughed nervously.

"No, it's not that. I just haven't heard someome talk so passionately about books in a long time", she smiled at him, "especially about Icha Icha ", she looked up at him. Amani could have sworn she saw a red tint on his cheeks.

"I'm honestly surprised someone so young reads such books", he laughed and sat down on the boulder besides her.

"I am not a child Kakashi", she whispered.

"Trust me, of that I am aware", he muttered and gave her the book back. "Just return it to me whenever you're finished... maybe we can discuss it further", he smiled and left. Amani grinned from cheek to cheek and held the book close.

Kakashi arrived at the hokages office after being summoned. There he found that Gaara had been taken by the renegade group, the akustuki. He and the rest of his team was to head to the sand village and do all they could.

"Oh and one more thing Kakashi. I am sending our newest jounin with you", as Tsunade said that, Amani appeared out of no where.


Kakashi grinned at Amani and nodded. "Alright let's get to the gate to meet up with Sakura and Naruto".

The two jounin arrived at the gate and studied Narutos expression.

"Amani? What are you doing here?", Naruto exclaimed.

"I'm coming with you", she smiled a little.

The Eclipsed Hyuga (Oc x various) sequel to the cursed HyugaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora