"So we need to find that scroll?" Scott asked.

"Excatly," and I nodded. "I did get a name of the man who last purchased it. Kincaid."

"He was with Katashi." Allison spoke. "He's a guy who met Isaac to buy the gun."

"Sounds like Katashi wanted the scroll for himself." Deaton said.

"But Stilinski already told me nothing like it was found among his things. And a paranoid like Katashi would be kept close. Probably on him at all times."

"What does a Sugendo Scroll look like?" Allison asked, leaning forward. Deaton had gotten up and walked over to his draws. He pulled out a draw.

"Something like this." Deaton hands me the object, it was a cylinder shape, it was wooden.

"Do these come in different sizes?" Allison asks.

"Any size," Deaton nodded.

"Then I think I might know where it might be."

"My father said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a federal lockup by armored car tonight," Allison explained as Ethan, Aiden, Scott and I enter her apartment. "Probably with in the next few hours."

Lydia stands at the end of the hallway, Allison and I stand next to her, Scott, Aiden, and Ethan the opposite.

"We're going to rob an armored car?" Ethan asks, and I grin.

"Well, we're gonna try," Lydia shrugs.

"This is a really bad plan." I pursed my lips together. We sit in Allison's apartment, in the room- Chris's office.

"It's not that bad." Lydia lied.

"It's not that good." Ethan said, pacing around Lydia.

"None of us knows the route they're going to take." Lydia started. "If Allison can get her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car, then we can follow it." All for a scroll.

"So when it gets here..." Allison points to a spot on the map.

"We attack them?" Aiden ask, sitting on the single chair.

Lydia turned him, pursing her lips together. "No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident and when the driver gets out to help..."

"We attack them?"

"No." Lydia and Allison said in sync.

"You'll distract them," Lydia added. "And Scott will break open the back door."

Allison and Lydia turned their heads to Scott. "I hope." Scott said.

"And you will get Katashi's finger," Lydia said to Ethan.

"It's not his actual finger, is it?" Ethan asked.

"You are so out of our league." Lydia sighed.

"Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?" Ethan asked.

"Because if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence," I explain.

"Guys, this is going to work." Allison told us. "We can do this. We're losing Stiles. My dad is in jail for murder. We need to do this."

"Your up." Allison whispered to Kira, as she ran off towards the truck as Scott, Allison, and I hid between the Sheriff's car. She placed the tracker under the car, and smiled over at us. I gave her a thumbs up.

Allison had her handy crossbow aside. She gave me a blade. I held it in my hands, it shined. I smirk, but it dropped when I saw Parrih come out of the station.

"All right, let's go," Parrish voiced, as he opened the truck's door. He held out his gun, and Kira had hidden around the wheels.

"We need to do something." I whisper as I watch Parrish. That's when the back doors to the truck swing open and revealed a man, who had knocked out Parrish with a smirk.

"Who the hell is that?" Scott whispered, and we stand up.

"Kincaid," Allison answered.

Kincaid had ripped opened a finger, the silver finger, the one we need. We approached them, Allison held out her bow towards Kincaid, and I had my blade in my hand. Scott stands in front of me.

"We need that finger," Scott started.

The guy just smiled. "Why should I give it to you?" His voice was deep.

"There's a briefcase in there with $150,000 in it." I offered.

Kincaid held up the finger. "The scroll inside this is prosthetic finger s worth 3 million," Kincaid smirks.

"Give me the finger," Scott lowly spoke. "You know what I mean."

That's when Kira jumped off the roof of the truck and on top of Kincaid. She hooked her arms around his neck, he didn't seem to budge as she struggled on top of her.

With one swift move, Kincaid pulled Kira off him, and she was thrown to the ground. Allison held her bow, alarmed. Kincaid had his fangs out and shines his deep blue eyes. "I guess negotiations over,"

He lets out one big growl. Allison had quickly fired an arrow at him, but he had pulled it out, glaring at the arrow. He threw it to the ground and Kira went in for a swing, but Kincaid had grabbed Kira by the throat and lifted her up.

He threw her to the ground once more, he had cut Allison, and she flew into the wall. He turned to me, he went towards me, but Scott stepped in the way, transformed. Scott had tried slashing Kincaid, but he didn't seem affected.

Scott punched Kincaid again, it only affected him very little. I held the blade in my hand tightly. Scott went to punch Kincaid again, but Kincaid had grabbed both of Scott's arms and pushed them down, Scott groans. Kincaid had butt headed Scott, who flew back.

Kincaid turned to me but Scott went forward and punched him, but Kincaid had dodged easily and kneed Scott in the stomach. Scott fell on the ground, and Kincaid kicked him, making me angery.

Kincaid bends down to Scott's level, and I stepped forward. "You have the eyes of an Alpha. But where's the strength?" Kincaid taunts.

"Up here," the sound of one of the twin's spoke, I looked up and smirked. They both growled and jumped off the balcony, Ethan had kicked Kincaid in the stomach and Aiden had pounced on Kincaid.

I saw my strawberry blonde friend rush to Allison, and I quickly followed her. As the boys fight in the background, Lydia helped up Allison. Ethan and Aiden had cornered Kincaid, punching him. I closed my eyes, hearing punching sounds.

"Ethan, Aiden..." Ethan and Aiden had thrown down Kincaid on the ground, my eyes widening.

"Stop!" Lydia screamed. That seemed to make the boy's stop.

"You want him to come after us?" Aiden asked.

"Scott, we've seen guys like this. Trust us. He's dangerous." Ethan added, I watched as Kincaid raised his head.

"So are we." Scott said. Kira had slowly stood up, and I quickly went to help her. "And he looks smart enough to remember that." Scott then takes the silver finger from Kincaid, he had tapped the finger on his hand and out came was a scroll. I smirked. "We're here to save a life. Not end one."

Scott then dropped the finger, the planned worked. We got the scroll.

"There isn't much here, unfortunately," Deaton had said as he reads the scroll. Scott and I were in the animal clinic.

"Does it say anything?" Scott asked and I pressed my lips. All this for nothing?

"My Japanese isn't great." I'll be better than mine. "But it appears to say that one method of expelling a Nogitsune is to change the body of the host."

"Change the body?" I murmur.

"Which begs the question, how do we change Stiles' body?" Deaton asked.

"By turning him into a werewolf."  

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