"I know, it's hard to believe it myself but it's for the better. If we keep the power without any more goals, we can become corrupted so passing it on to others is the best decision."

"And you think one of those people could be your brother?" Hosoek asks.

Everyone eyes me in the car waiting for my answer.

"I don't know. I didn't involve myself much with the territory talk, my team and I only guard it. However, knowing the other captains it is a possibility, after all, you're all on peace duty."

The talk with Bangtan took place after Namjoon attending the meeting with us. Though I was not present because unofficially I am not part of BTS— I just happen to be related to two members while dating one which led me to obviously hear what took place. Namjoon talked it over with the members if they wanted to continue their activities.

I am aware it was their choice to make and I didn't want to influence their decision. Just because my time ended, didn't mean they needed to close this chapter of their life too.

As a group they came to the conclusion to stick around like a local gang for a while, at least to help continue the peace. Namjoon said until they are no longer needed and they can move on to other things.

It is a wise decision.

"Can't believe we are going from crime and gang fighters to peacemakers." Jimin mumbles.

I laugh out loud.

"Gang fighters? You couldn't even handle us."

Then I hear someone click their tongue following by a gasp.

"Excuse me?" Jin sounds offended, "Last time I checked I was able to capture you as Ace several times."

I roll my eyes.

"Those don't count. The first time I was hurt and I still escape."

"Sure. Okay. Then the second time at the college party when—"

"That doesn't count either! I let you and you couldn't do anything because we were in an alliance."

"Wait, hold up. The college party?" Hoseok brings up again.

"So you guys were together. I knew it! I thought it was weird they disappeared right, Yoongi hyung?" Jimin tells the older next to him.

"Huh? That? Yeah. We been knew."

I roll my eyes again forgetting we have an audience.

"Anyways and that doesn't count when I got hurt because I had no say when you unmask me. So basically I still remain undefeated." I validate myself.

"T-That's so not true."

"Just accept the facts Jin."

Yoongi clears his throat.

"When you put it that way Hana, it's almost disappointing that you are Ace."

Bitch what?

"What do you mean?"

"What I'm trying to say is it would have been interesting to at least see a fight between you and Jin witness who is a better fighter."

Unlikely Gangster||K.SJ|| Completed Where stories live. Discover now