Girls Night*

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Hana's POV

"What do we need again?" I ask Eunji as I pace beside her.

"Mmm. Snacks, face-sheet masks, instant noodles, apples, grapes, rice, chicken, and most important pads. Sorry I didn't tell you before." She reads the list she wrote on her phone. 

"It's cool. Plus the store is close by."

Eunji and I were getting ready for our girls night, which translates to Netflix, gossiping, music videos, many K-dramas,  and lots, I mean tons of food. Oh and facials. We didn't realize until an hour ago that we haven't gone grocery shopping in the past two weeks.

So here we are, walking to the store in the almost evening while we wear matching pink hoodies. We got cold but besties always match. 


Since it is cold and we both want to get our girls relaxation time going, Eunji and I split up to pick up our groceries.  We can get done faster.  

I run by the coffee not remembering if we needed any. I quickly pull out my phone and shoot a text. 

Me: Eunji do we need coffee because I swear I used that last bit this morning.

Eunji: I don't know 🤷‍♀️ Just grab it in case

Me: K👍

I toss a tub of coffee into my basket. Time to find those pads.

Before I reach the feminine aisle, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I automatically flinch.

"Noona." A familiar voice calls out.

I turn around to see the one and only Jungkook with a cheerful smile.

"Hi Jungkook." I hope I'm not blushing.

"Hi. Sorry, I hope I didn't scare you."

"No, you didn't. I was...."

How can I tell this adorable boy I was about to throw him a punch? My double life is making me paranoid. And look at his precious smile. 

"There you are, Jungkookie."

From the left, two other males appear as they join Jungkook. I assume they are college students as well. 

One of them is shorter compared to Jungkook and the other male. The first I notice about him is his silver hair sticking out of his red beanie. He has a light grey jacket on, zipped up and black shorts. In my opinion, he looks tired.

Meanwhile, the other guy has short blonde hair. I could tell he is wearing a striped black and white shirt underneath his red sweater. His hands rest in the pockets of his black pants. His eyes carry a hint of familiarity but it is unknown to me. 

Unlikely Gangster||K.SJ|| Completed Where stories live. Discover now