One Week*

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Hana's POV

"He gave me a week," I tell the two other girls who were listening to my story about what happened between Jin and me.

I admit I did think about not telling them but they should know. Plus they both already suspected that something happened since we spend all of yesterday together. Getting to know another and making out.

My other members will know soon enough.

Except for the making out part.

"And what are you planning to do?" Eunji carefully asks me.

Both her and Alice know me better than anyone. They are most likely aware I have a plan forming inside my mind as we speak.

"I want to meet with them. Tell them what the next few days are for us. See if anyone has new information to offer, if not at least let them know of the news."

Alice clicks her tongue, "You know Eve and him are going to tease you about it."

"Yeah. He always wanted to include Bangtan from the beginning." Eunji joins in.

"I know, this what they wanted. Even if I have to put aside my pride, I have to report to them."

The other teams from the start had the desire of getting Bangtan to work with us. But I didn't follow through.

No one blamed me, who would question the captain... unless it was done by another captain.

"You coming, Alice? Or do you want to sit this one out?" It sounds like a choice, yet she reads what my true intentions are.

"I'm coming."

Good. I feel more comfortable if she is present.

I enter the space in my room. I set up my laptop on the bed. There is enough space on the mattress for Alice and me to sit. She walks in a few seconds later with two water bottles in her hands and a bag of chips.

Smart thinking.

Depending on what the others have in mind or have other subjects to discuss, the meeting might last for a good while. That is why I'm setting up on my bed. I don't want to get any back pains this time. Alice sits next to me, opening the bag of chips. We often communicate through chat or other sources of media. We're not all located in Seoul, only handfuls are like me. They said me being here was a game changer and it certainly has been.

Like I told Jin, there are many others involved. Two whole groups no were seen in the mysterious, yet blur picture labeled as the Phantoms I am the face or the so-called "front of the shop" for my gang. The two unknown captains work behind the shop. That is who I will be skyping with today... if they are available.

Like me, they have their goals that must be dealt with. Their missions differ from us since we all have different positions in this network—overall the same purpose. They also have units as well, I have more groups than the other two captains due to we work in small teams. 

I login in and check their statues. Good. Both of them are online.

I don't know what their reaction will be, I am already aware one will look forward to the news. Whether an agreement or not is made, I was given permission to handle the topic of Bangtan however I liked. This is due to my personal connection; they know who BTS is.

Unlikely Gangster||K.SJ|| Completed Where stories live. Discover now