Two Aces*

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Hana's POV

"Babe", he whispers.

"Mmm." I was in the brink of falling asleep.

Keyword was.

It's hard to relax on his bed. Though I could have stayed on the couch because the suite is big enough to host some of us. But Mr. Tough guy here insisted I stayed in the bed with him. Insisted is putting it nicely. He almost threw this whole fit if I didn't after his parents left.

"Babe", he whispers again.

"What?" I whisper back.

"Are you mad at me?"

I take a moment to answer.

Well, let's see.

Here I am laying with him on his stupid bed because he is a big baby and wanted me to sleep with him.


"Don't lie Hana. I know you're mad at me."

"If you know that, then why are you asking?"

"Because I don't like you being mad at me."

I lay across his chest and his good shoulder. With his good arm around me, I carefully turn to face him. My head sits on his neck as I look at to him with a pout on his face.

"I didn't mean to keep it a secret it. I thought you would figure it out. I did tell you I had connections in the police force."

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me those connections were your parents. How did you want me to introduce myself when I was breaking the law?!" I answer back in a higher volume.

"Oh please, you were fine. You never got caught."

"Because of my own connections. Imagine if I did and had to explain being the girlfriend of the son of Seoul's Police Chief."

When Jin's parents arrived, they were not angry, instead, they were soaking in concern. They knew he was part of Bangtan and what it stood for, however they didn't know he would be present that night. His father was highly upset especially finding out from his coworkers that his own son was shot. His mother... well she kinda scared me.

I didn't think it was the right time to present myself as his girlfriend, yet Jin thought otherwise. Apparently, he has told them several things about me. They were actually ecstatic to meet me when I knew nothing of them.

It explains why Jin had a strict childhood. I met his father, Seo Taiji, the police chief in Seoul. So when Bangtan said they had connections through the police, it was through Jin's father. He was able to give them time for us to set up CNT. He only allowed it because he trusts Bangtan and they been on his radar for a while.

His mother, Kim Hee Sun is so beautiful and kind. I can tell where he got his looks. I thought she was a model, I didn't expect her to also be working for the government. Her and Jin didn't specifically mention what branch but I'm guessing it is something similar to the CIA. Apparently, that's how Jin first found out about CNT before he joined BTS, through his father's and mother's work.

Unlikely Gangster||K.SJ|| Completed Where stories live. Discover now