10. Best way to not get your heart broken? Pretend you don't have one

Start from the beginning

“Take a picture it’ll last longer,” Kris said. 

“Ok,” the girl replied. She pulled out what looked like a tablet out of her bright flowery bag and snapped a photo of Kris then placed it back in her bag. Kris merely blinked. 

“You took a photo of me,” Kris said unsurely, stating the obvious. 

“You told me to,” the girl replied with her eyebrow arched. 

“I know, now delete it I forgot to pose,” Kris stood. “I was thinking maybe a pout, or shoulder drop,” Kris demonstrated the poses as she said this. 

“Do you realize the effort of getting out my tablet again?” 

“Do you realize the effort of looking this fabulous?” 

This is fabulous, you moron,” the girl replied gesturing to herself. 

“Don’t be jealous of my genius... and style,” Kris smirked at the girl. “Now first meetings usually warrant introductions so, after you.” 

“Cassandra Hopper, family call me Cas, friends would also call me Cas if I had any friends and other people call me mentally insane,” Cassandra drawled out. “What about you?” 

“Kristen Reeds, family calls me Kiddo, mates call me Kris and others call me a psychotic maniac,” Kris introduced herself. “So, Cas, school councillor?” Kris asked making an emphasis on the Cas. Cas grinned at her. 

“Same for you I see, Kris,” she drawled out Kris’s name. They both smirked at each other. Looks like Kris has found herself another friend. 

"So are you from here?" Kris asked curiously. 

"Born and raised," Cas replied. "But you aren't are you? You have an accent no matter how much you try to hide it, from doth thou hale?" 

"Thy hale from the land of Wales, my kings men are Welsh and awfully chavy. What were you just singing now?" 

"K-pop. Korean pop music. Only the best. It's life. The ironic thing is I have nearly every descendant from German to Australian in my blood but there is no Korean. Not even some god damn Chinese," Cas huffed as she thought about this. 

"I'll remember to look it up when I go home," Kris smiled. "You sound as if you like it a lot." 

"I don't like," Cas replied making comma signs with her fingers. "I obsess!" 

"I'll keep that in mind."

The orange door slammed open. It seemed that is all people who came here new how to do. Out stormed a boy wearing a grubby green army jacket with stretched ears. He was mumbling under his breath before walking out of the lime green door and slamming that behind him as well. 

“Deke McCarthy. He is always in here. You’ll get used to him,” Cas stated before pulling her headphones back on and taking a seat as if this were a regular day in the office for her. Just then, a blonde woman wearing a pantsuit walked out of the orange door and smiled at Cas and me, Cas was pointedly ignoring her. 

“So which one of you is next?” the woman asked. Cas immediately pointed at Kris without taking her headphones off. “Ah a new student, how exciting,” the woman chirped overly happy. It freaked Kris out. It was like she had a smile permanently plastered onto her goofy little face. “Come on in, come on in, and please make yourself at home.”

The woman ushered Kris in through the orange door where she found an equally identical room to the one she had just been in except there was a desk completed with a computer, phone and various bits of paper and two chairs either side of it. There was more heinous poster here as well. 

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