''You what?'' Jungkook asked, standing up and sitting next to Jimin.

''I met my parents...'' Jimin said, and Jungkook took time to process what he just said.

''What? How did you-'' Jungkook couldn't find the words either now.

''Part of the reason why I wanted to travel Jeju out of all the places we could have gone, they were the reason,'' Jimin continued.

"Did you know that they were hiding here?'' Jungkook asked.

"No, but after all research, hints, and everything, I had to try,'' Jimin said. He was on the edge of crying.

''Did you talk to them? How did they react?'' Jungkook asked, patting his hyung's back as a comfort.

''Yeah, they were as shocked as I was to see me. But after I explained that everything was okay now, they were relieved. They cried, and we talked a lot,'' Jimin said.

"Did you tell about Y/n?'' Jungkook asked carefully. Jimin just nodded.

''Are you going to tell her now?'' Jungkook asked, unsure if he should do it or not. Although you have been looking for your parents as much as Jimin and we all have.

But you stopped hoping already. But Jimin and Jungkook kept looking for them. Every now and then, they gathered to discover any hints they got. But for nothing. They never found them. But now Jimin did.

He wanted to make sure he was right before saying anything to you. He didn't want to make you hope too much. If he was wrong, you'd be upset. And he didn't want that. He listened to how you wanted to see your parents, whom you never really knew, and how much you wanted them to your wedding.

Now Jimin had a chance to tell you. But he was scared, do you want to see them?

I came out of the kitchen, Hangeum in my arms, when I saw Jungkook and Jimin sitting on a couch. ''There you are,'' I said, and Jungkook lifted his head, smiling at me. But it wasn't his regular bunny smile. There was something in it. Jimin, on the other hand, didn't even look at me. His face was hanging low, and he didn't lift it.

''Is everything okay?'' I asked, sitting down on the couch. I looked at Jungkook and back at Jimin, but no answer.

''Maybe I should let you two talk,'' Jungkook suggested, stood up, took Hangeum from me, and walked back to the kitchen, leaving us alone.

''Hey, did something happen? Between you and Momo, perhaps?'' I asked.

Jimin shot his face but shook it. ''No, of course not,'' He looked at his hands.

''Then what is it?'' I asked. He sighed and looked me in the eyes.

There is something I should tell you."

After Jimin told everything to me, I was as shocked as he had been a few minutes. My parents? Here?

Every little detail was going in my head. The reason to come here was this? Not some vacation with them? Did all of them know about this? Jungkook also? He has been helping Jimin, but did he know about this also?

''I know there is a lot of information for you, but they want to meet you,'' Jimin broke my thoughts.

"Meet me? Like now?'' I asked in a kind of panic. Jimin nodded. I mean, I have been waiting for this day for so long, but now I can actually meet them, I'm scared.

Jimin brought me to their house. Jungkook came with Hangeum. He wanted to at least bring me here. He saw how out I was.

''Do you want me to come with you?'' He asked, taking my hand and giving it a little kiss.

JK - Pregnant by a killer (chapters under editing, will appear soon)Where stories live. Discover now