X Chapter Twenty X

Start from the beginning

He let out a guttural scream before he was overcome with a choked gurgling. His body jerked for a moment before I released him from my hold and walked away as he drew his last breath. I paused as I noticed the room was now filled with security and local law enforcement and frowned. There were at least twenty of them.

They trained their guns on me but before I had a moment to act twenty of Illumi's nen needles whizzed through the air from the stairwell hitting every single mark in the temple, killing them all in an instant. One of the guns fired as the man holding it applied pressure to the trigger as he fell and the bullet grazed my arm.

Illumi appeared before me, his face as always, an emotionless mask, though I noticed the corners of his mouth were slightly pulled downward in a frown and there was something revealed in his dark soulless gaze as he took in my blood-soaked appearance. His eyes flicked to the blood dripping from my hair, pooling on the ground around me before casually glancing behind me to my last victim with a good portion of his insides, intact sticking out of his chest. I opened my mouth to explain myself but cut off with a gasp as he swept me off my feet.

"Ah! Illumi-sama, w-what are you doing?" I squeaked as he carried me toward the stairs. "We should leave."

He didn't cast me so much as a second glance as he ascended the stairs. Once we got nearer to our floor I could hear the faint sickening squishing sound as he stepped in semi-congealed blood drying on the steps. When we reached the landing, I felt my heart plummet as I took in the amount of carnage before us. I did this? How did I do this? There was blood and dismembered corpses filling the entire hall, splashed across the walls, tissue, organs, eyes, limbs all strewn about. Blood dripping off of door handles and paintings. My gaze flicked to a chandelier overhead that had someone's small intestine draped around it. What was wrong with me?!

Illumi didn't seem the slightest bit phased by the carnage in the hall and continued on his way. His shoes squished across the blood-soaked carpet as he carried me to our room before kicking the door shut behind him. What was he doing? There was a strange almost primal look in his dark soulless eyes. I'd seen a spark of it earlier when we were in the shower, but not like this.

"Illumi-sama?" I tried to shake him from his silence as he carried me toward the bed. I opened my mouth once more but was cut off as his lips came crashing down on mine, not the least bit bothered that I was covered in the blood of the people I'd slaughtered outside of our room. My arms entwined around his neck as I suddenly felt light headed as he stole my breath away with a rough passionate kiss. Something stirred within me, something dark and primal trying to tear its way to the surface as I lost myself in his kiss.

He broke the kiss and released me from his hold dropping me atop the bed. My body felt like it was on fire as he leaned over me, his deft fingers untying the blood-soaked robe with one fluid motion. Before I had a moment to catch my breath he leaned forward capturing my lips in a sultry kiss that spread warmth through my core and made me melt beneath him. His hands moved quickly to pull the blood soaked robe away from my naked body leaving me feeling a little self-conscious and vulnerable.

My heart was racing so fast in my chest I could practically feel it pulsating against my ribs with each and every beat. I kissed him back with a fire as his long silken ebony hair fell around us like a curtain shielding us from the world. Not liking being the only one naked and vulnerable, I struggled to disrobe him as we were still locked in an almost desperate kiss. We broke the kiss so I could pull his shirt over his head and I gasped for breath. I splayed my hand across his perfectly toned pectoral muscles. His skin beneath my touch grew hot and I saw a flicker of something primal in his dark soulless gaze.

He caught my wrist in an iron tight grip, urging a gasp from me before pinning my hand to the bed. I could faintly see the vein in his neck, throbbing, though his face was as expressionless as ever, I could see his pulse was racing. His breathing was somewhat labored. I'd never seen him so affected by anything before. This was the most reactive he'd ever been.

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