Fangurls and a Creepy Uncle (part 1)

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I just laid there. I had no idea what to do. What if it was Jai? Maybe he wanted to talk with me? Why wouldn’t he do this when I was-

And then I got slapped in the face.

What the actual fuck?

“Alfie, I need to talk to you.” It was Briella. God dammit.

“Yes, Briella? What would you like at…” I unlocked my phone, it felt like I was staring dead into the sun. “...4am in the morning?”

“Do you think I’m a slut?” Briella asked.

“Why are you asking me this?” She is always so random.

“Because I want to have a talk. A serious one.” Bree said, indeed very serious. “So you do think I am a slut…?”

“No, why would I-“ Why do I always get cut off?

“Because I’m not. I’ve only slept with two guys, Beau and Carl.”

“Didn’t you sleep with Daniel that one time?” Thinking back to the night before finals..... again.

“No. Not at all…. I told you, he is like my brother. We were making sex sounds just so it sounded like it.”

Oh yea. That makes sense. -__-

“Why is this on your mind right now. And, who calls you a slut?” I asked Briella. I felt bad.

“Well... I've always been... Just... Never mind." Briella dismissed the question, and got up from the bed. "We can talk about this later.” Briella gave me a half smile and a peace sign as she walked out the door, and back into her room.

Mahoney did say that a lot of things were going on with Bree. But what did that really mean? I would never think of Briella as the type to be affected by anything.


I couldn't fall back asleep, so I stayed up for hours playing on my phone. Our appointment at the skydiving place was at 12. It would be an hour drive. An hour in hell. I can’t drive well on the opposite side of the road. At all. But whatever.

Everyone piled in the car. James decided he would sit in the front with me.

*30 minutes into the car ride*

"Oi, guys we haven't made a video in awhile. Lets keek our fans" Beau said.

They all poked their heads close together to get into the video.

"No.. fuck off." Beau said, nudging Luke.

"Beau's not letting me join, so I'm making my own keek." Luke said nudging him back.

"I'm in the front and cant join, so I'll just make my own keek too..." James said, unlocking his phone.

"Fuck it. I'll make my own." Skip said

"Same." Jai said following the group.

"Hi guys... welcome to our first ever... five-way keek in the car!" Beau said

I heard 'yalla', Beau's Hulk Smash voice, and James' 'American' accent from the front seat. James sounded like my black friend from Philly. His name is Marquis (Mar-keese) :)

"And this, is Alfie!" Beau said putting the camera beside my face.

"Erm... hi?" I said. All I could think of was thousands of fangurl comments. 'OMG!! ARE YOUSE GOING OUUUUUT??!!!!1!!!!1!!!! -3' or... 'WHO. IS. THIS. TWAT. HANGING. OUT. WITH. MY. MAN? I. MUST. FIND. THIS. BITCH.'

I was going to either get shipped the hell out of, or hated. I guess the shipping wasn't a bad thing. I mean.. after all, Beau is just so- NO STOP IT ALFIE. THIS IS YOUR FRIENDS BOYFRIEND HERE.

... I always have to remind myself.


*After the car ride*

We arrived to the Skydiving place late. Traffic was horrible...

"Alright. So, I'm Tim" Our instructor introduced himself. "I'm going to pick partners for you guys"

So, of course, The groups went like this; Beau and Bree, Skip and Daniella, James and Jai, and me and the douche. Mahoney was with the instructor, I think she had her eye on him anyways.

Tim handed us our suits, and taught us how to 'fly'. This was such a rip-off. We went into a tube that blew air up. We had to hold hands, and essentially float. I wouldn't be surprised if Luke just completely let me go, so I could hit my head somewhere and die.

Beau and Briella were first. They made it look so easy. Then there was me and Luke.

We couldn't figure out how to properly fly, so we were holding hands bumping into the walls all over the place.

After our turn Luke yelled at me. Typical.

"Why are you such a fail?"

"You were failing equally as me. Its not only my fault."

Luke walked away from me and talked to the instructor. Tim decided to put James with Luke, and me with Jai. Same awkwardness, different twin.

Our turn was up soon enough, and we actually did pretty good. Jai was squeezing my hand really tight..Like.. Really tight... the whole time.

Once everyone went, we got a complimentary video of our flight sessions. I sat down on the bench, to check my messages and Jai joined me.

"So, um... was that fun?"

"Yea!" I chuckled "It was really fun. Thank you for being my partner. God knows Luke would have made it the worse experience ever."

"He can be like that sometimes." Jai looked the other way and was tapping his foot on the floor nervously. "So, back home, Could I talk to you?"

I had a feeling what this talk was going to be.. "Sure."


*back home*

"We're ordering pizza..." Briella said, plopping down on the couch and picking up the phone. It was only 5pm.

I walked straight back to the porch thing. I was cool outside, so I needed to go back in to find my sweater. I jogged my way upstairs. No one was up there but me.

I heard a light knocking on the door...

"Come in." I said, while plugging my phone into the charger.

It was Jai. He walked in and smiled at me. He walked right up to my face. Jai being that close to me felt like a creepy uncle at family gatherings. You just never know whats going to happen.

Jai put his head on my shoulder and stood there.

"What are you doing Jai?" I said slowly... implying that this was just a little bit weird.

Jai picked his head up and looked at me. He smiled and said,

"I Lo-"


I actually went inside skydiving and it was really fun, but i thought that i would make Alfie suck at it so she wouldnt have a good time...

So we are writing more for 'part 2'... i hope u guys liked it. Its kinda boring but we are trying to figure out more parts for this book... sooo yaaaaaa.... :)

OH YEAH--- and make sure u guys vote and fan me. I kinda need friends... im a loser... a desperate loser.

Also, comment what you think. Maybe you have ideas or what ever :D

bi :P

~ Danielle


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