April 29, 2026

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I smiled at her. This was one of the rare times she was being genuine and showing her weakness. But in that, she was still so strong and beautiful. I knew that she would make an amazing mother.

"You're welcome." I said. Then I headed home, the whole three yards away.

"Daddy!" Jessica cried. "Where's the baby?" She looked angry.

"Did you forget?" Alex asked with worry.

"Of course I didn't forget." I said. "He's at auntie's relaxing. He said we should go visit tomorrow, after he's had a nap."

Jessica rolled her eyes.

"He can talk already?" Alex said with wide eyes. "Wow!"

"Of course he can!" I encouraged. "He's aunties kid."

"I wish we were aunties too." Jessica said.

Something inside me moved. "Jess? How's school been?" I hoped my call had helped somehow.

She shrugged. "Same old." And she went to her room.

My heart broke for her and I knew something drastic had to happen for her sake.

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