April 24, 2026

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I rang the bell with a heavy heart.

"Hi Auntie!" Jessica said with a smile.

I smiled at her energy. "Hi Jessica. Why are you covered in flour?"

"Daddy said I could be a ghost for Halloween!" Her grin was missing a front tooth.

"Oh really?" I said, already thinking about what to tell Kyle off for first; wasting flour or bad costume ideas.

Jessica giggled. "No, we're making lunch. Wanna see?" She took my hand and lead me to the kitchen where the boys were also covered with flour. There were bowls and spoons and pans everywhere. Kyle avoided my eyes.

"Alex?" I asked with a smile. "What happened?"

"I didn't do it!" He pulled his hands out of a bowl of a batch of cookie dough he'd been mixing.

I laughed. "Just like your father."

"Hey." Kyle said indignantly; but he was still grinning as well.

"Let's finish and eat!" Jessica said.

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