April 28, 2026

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The nurse and doctor rushed in. Sarah was starting to breath quickly, and she gritted her teeth.

"Is this normal?" I asked the doctor.

"Weren't you there when Samantha had Alex and Jessica?" Sarah asked.

I grimaced. "She didn't want me to be there, and she got a c-section." I explained with shame.

She groaned. Whether it was because of me or the pain I didn't know.

Everything else happened in a blur. The doctor told me to hold on to her hand and be supportive. I can't remember what I said.

Suddenly, after five minutes or five days, Sarah relaxed and her grip on my hand and slumped back.

"You have a son." The doctor said, handing me the baby.

I meant to explain that I wasn't the father, but I just stared at the new life in my arms.

"Kyle." Sarah said hoarsely. "Let me see him."

I leaned over and gently laid him in her arms. He cried and kicked softly, making his little hands into fists. He was totally pink, with thin fuzzy blond hair.

"He's beautiful." I breathed.

"I know." Sarah said.

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