"Only at first, to get things started. In the end though, I was thinking you could lead," Lysandre said with a smirk.

Ash was shocked by this. He could tell Lysandre was crazy, but this took it to a new level.

"You see I've done my homework on your kind, Aura Guardians. Your kind used to live as people need to. The Aura Guardians used to try and teach people to live a better life. But it was the nobles of the kingdoms that didn't like them. They saw the Aura Guardians as a threat to their power, and tried to wipe them out. Those survivors had to adapt and blend in to stay alive. In the end though they scattered and tried to make the world better a little at a time. You have lived up to this yourself, all those times saving the world, toppling criminal organizations, you have done so much good. You are also a prince, and clearly a natural leader, the survivors would look to you to lead them. You could teach them a better way to live, even better than I. You and Ms. Serena could teach the world together. Join me Ash, join me in heralding in a new era," Lysandre explained with an excited smile.

Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I've read your aura, and it showed me you are twisted. But it didn't do you justice, your completely off your rocker. I know this world is messed up, but you are no better than them. You want to force your ideology onto the whole world. I'll give you credit, your heart is in the right place, but your method makes Team Flare no better than any other organization I've faced," Ash retorted. Ash's pokemon smirked at his response.

The smile on Lysandre's face was gone he looked down upon Ash with a frustrated look.

"Don't be fool. I'm giving you a chance to survive this with your fiance. Don't make the same mistake your father did," said Lysandre.

"What," Ash breathed, his eyes wide and fixed on Lysandre.

"I guess you wouldn't know, you were probably only a baby then, and I doubt he told anyone where he was going before he came. Yes, I made this same offer to your father nearly eighteen years ago. Team Flare was just in its infancy back then, existing under the cover of Lysandre Labs. I saw Red on a security camera flying in on that wretched charizard of his. I was excited at first, the World Champion arriving at our little lab. Legends of his greatness were known everywhere as he worked to make the world better for people and pokemon alike. I thought he must have heard about us and wanted to help, but I was wrong. I guess he used his aura to evaluate our base, because he had his charizard attack a hidden lab, where we started our research on mega evolution energy. That was only the beginning, the two of them knocked out every pokemon, and killed anyone who attacked them, they were merciless. Anyone still alive I ordered to retreat, while tried to deal with him. I had never met that man before, but the look in his eyes when he saw me was pure hate, even to this day I can still remember it clearly. I tried to reason with him, but all he said was that he wouldn't let me kill his son. My Mega Gyarados battled that Charizard X, but lost."

Lysandre then pulled out a large sliver colored revolver from inside his jacket.

"But in the end it was this very gun that brought down both man and beast," Lysandre said with a smile.

The rage inside Ash was coming to a boil. "This man. This man is the reason I grew up without a father," Ash thought to himself.

Ash was on the verge of a full blown aura rage, his aura beginning to flare out all around him. Even his pokemon were ready to rip them all apart. Ash was their family, he filled the holes in their hearts with the love they longed for. And these people deprived Ash of a love that he was missing his whole life, the love of his father. They hurt him deep, for that they deserved no mercy.

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