"It was really smart." He mumbled to me. 

"I mean, you said it, Sti." I told him, pulling back the hug and looking at him again. 

"Sti?" Stiles asked, chuckling. 

"Come on, that was cute. Sti. Short for Stiles." I smile and pecked his lips again. He wiped away a tear, which he didn't get, so, I raised my thumb and I did it for him. He smiled and kissed my hand. 

He then pulled me towards him and leans back in the locker. "You're cute." Stiles whisper. 

"If I was really smart I should tell you that you should consider with the guidance counselor." Stiles chuckled. Then, he had this look like he had an idea. 

"Morrell." Stiles said. 

"Guys, what's going on?" Lydia asked, entering the boy's locker room. 

Stiles, Lydia, and I run into the guidance office. We turn and see another girl sitting in the chair. "Are you here for Ms. Morrel?" Stiles asked. 

"No, I thought this was gym class." The darker girl sarcastically said, rolling her eyes. 

I turn to her this time. "Sweetheart, we're not in the mood for funny," I spat out. "Do you know where she is?" 

"If I did, I wouldn't be waiting here for 20 minutes." She exclaimed. "So how about you two back out the door and wait your turn." 

"We're not here for a session." Lydia fire's back. 

"Well, I am." She said. "And I've got some series issues to work on." 

"Hey, wait, wait." Stiles said, pulling me closer to him. "You're Danielle. Your Heather's best friend." 

"I was Heather's best friend," Danielle said. "We've been working on that issue for three times a week." 

"Hold on. Did you say Ms. Morrell was 20 minutes late?" I asked. 

Danielle shrugged. "And I don't know why, either. She's always on time." Danielle explained. 

"I was seeing her at the beginning of the semester." I turn to Stiles. "She was never late." 

"Then she's not late, she's missing." Stiles said, in his low voice. Sometimes, I'd like to think he does that on purpose, other times, I think it's natural to him. 

"What if we're not the only ones who think she knows something?" I said, my eyes widening. 

"Then I want to know what she knows." Stiles then walked over to the desk, and I frown. 

"What are you doing?" Danielle asks. 

"Trying to find her." Stiles digs through Morrell's draws. 

"Those files are private." Danielle sassed. 

"Yeah, she kind of right." I pressed my lips together, watching my boyfriend looking through the files. "That one's yours." Stiles holds up the file. 

I walk forward. "Let me see that." I snatch it off him, and he placed another one on the table. 

"That one Lydia's." 

"Let me see that." Lydia repeats, snatching her book, stepping forward. 

She then opens up her books.  "Wait, Lydia, that's your drawings," Stiles said, looking at the drawings of trees. Lydia flick through there all the trees. 

"Yeah, I know. It's a tree." Lydia said. 

"Yeah, it's good, too." Danielle said, looking over my shoulder. 

"Thank you." Lydia told Danielle. 

"No, but that's the same one though." Stiles said. 

"Same as what?" I asked. 

"It's the same one I always see Lydia drawing in class." 

"It's a tree." Lydia scoffed. "I like drawing trees." 

"No, but it's the exact same one." Stiles moved forward and took the file off Lydia. "Don't you see?" I then look between the two trees, they were the same one. "Wait a second." He then grabs ahold of Lydia's purse, and find another tree in there, and puts it down. Why? It's the same tree. "You see." 

Stiles flickers through the trees, comparing it with the other fresh tree that was recently drawn. "Okay, you can have my session," Danielle announced. "You've got bigger issues."  

Lydia gasps, as all the trees Lydia had drawn, were the exact same tree. "What is this?" 

Stiles then frowned and stopped at a tree. With his hands, he picked it up and slowly turned the book around. Until it was upside down. 

"I know where they are." 

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