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Sorry it's a little late oof


I got out of the bathroom and looked shocked at Carly. "Let me see" She said. I showed her. "Oh my- you need to call Taehyung" She says. "I'm scared.." I said. "I'm sure he'll stay with you" She says. "Okay.." I grabbed my phone. I dialed his number. "I don't know if he picks up... Maybe he's practicing" I said. "So? It's important" Carly said. I sigh softly and called him. He picked up after a short moment. "Hello" He said. "Hey.." I looked down at the pregnancy test. "Is something wrong?" He asks. "Are you alone..?" I ask. "Wait. Guys! I will come back soon!" He said to the others. I heard him walking away from them. "What is it baby?" He asks. "I-.. I'm pregnant.." I said. He was quiet for a really long time. "Taehyung..?" I said quietly. "Yes?" His voice was trembling a little. "Are you crying?" I ask. "Y-yes.." He chuckled. "Aw baby.." I said softly. "I'm just so happy" He said. I smiled. "I wish I could hug you right now..." I said and looked down. "Did you take a pregnancy test at home? " He asks. "Yes" I answered. "Can you send me a picture of it? I want to see" He said. "Yes of course. Wait" I put him on speaker and made a picture of the test. I send it to him. "Thank you" He said. "Wait I'll show the rest of the guys" He said. I heard him walking back to the practicing room.

•Taehyung pov•

I walked into the practice room with a big smile on my face. "Guys you have to see this" I say. "What is it? " Jimin asks and walked over to me. The rest followed. I showed them the picture of the pregnancy test of Y/n. "It's Y/n's" I smiled proudly. "Oh my-! She's pregnant?!" Jin yelled. "Yes!" I teared up again. "Congratulations!" Hoseok hugged me. "But at that age?" Jin said. "Yeah I know it's young... But I'm so happy" I wiped my tears away. "She's still on the phone" I said. "Hi~" She said. "Congrats Y/n!" Jungkook yelled. "Thank you" She said. "Let's FaceTime for a moment" I said. "Sure" Y/n said. I hung up and called her again but this time on FaceTime. She picked up. "Aah baby you look so pretty as always~" I sang. "You also look handsome" She smiled. "Also Carly is here too!" She said and showed her. "Carly~~" I smiled. "Hey" She smiled. "Oh also.. I need to tell my parents too..." Y/n said. "Ah~ baby I will come to you as soon as possible so we can tell them together" I said. "Okay that's alright.." Y/n said. "I'm going to pack immediately as soon as I come home" I said. "What about the manager? Is he okay with it?" Y/n asks. "He will be fine with it otherwise I'll just run to you" I said. Y/n laughed "No you should just take the plane" She said. "I will" I smiled. "But I have to go now. We need to practice more" I said. "Okay good luck" She smiled. "Bye ladies!" I said and hung up.

•Y/n pov•

Two days later the doorbell rang. I go downstairs and opened the door to see Taehyung standing there. He immediately hugged me. I hugged him back. "Gosh I missed you.." He said softly. "I missed you too" I said. My mom walked into the hallway and smiled when she saw us. "Hello Taehyung" She smiled. "Hello mrs. L/n" He bowed. "Please just call me mom or something" She smiled. "I'm glad you could come over for Y/n" She said. "Of course mrs- uh.. Mom" He smiled shyly. I smiled and grabbed one of his bags. "No let me do that" He says. "No I want to help" I said. "Okay fine" He smiled a little and let me grab his bag. I smiled back and helped him with bringing his stuff upstairs in my room. "So how are you feeling?" He asks when we were in my room. "Quite happy but also nervous.." I said. "Don't worry, it will be fine" He kissed me. "I hope so" I said and hugged him again.

That evening we decided to tell my parents. We were sitting on the couch talking a little and watching tv. I sigh a little. "Mom.. Dad.. Can we talk for a moment..?" I asked quietly. "Yes of course" Mom said. My dad didn't listen. He never does. "Can you turn off the tv for a moment?" I asked. "No" He said. "Just turn it off" I say. "Why?" He asked. "Because it's important" I said. He sighed deeply and turned it off. "Tell us quickly" He groaned. I glared at him and cleared my throat. "So.. I-.. We made a little mistake.." I said. "Was that it?" Dad asked, turning on the tv again. "What the- no. Turn it off" I said. "You're always asking for attention" He said. I sighed. "Yeah that's true" Mom said. I grabbed Tae's hand and got up. "Then you won't know anything about it." I walked upstairs with him. When we got to my room I sat down on my bed. "They never ever listen to me!" I yelled. "I'm sure they didn't mean to say that" Tae said. "No they didn't mean it. They say it every fucking day." I groaned. "Wait every day?" He asked. "Yes. Every single day" I said and got up. "You know what? I'm done with it. Grab your stuff I'm going to Korea with you" I said and walked over to my closet to grab my stuff. "Wait what?!" He yelled. "Yes I'm coming to Korea with you." I said.

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