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That moment it's almost time to post a new chapter but you just have a few words 0-0

That moment it's almost time to post a new chapter but you just have a few words 0-0

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Before I start this chapter I want to ask you to watch my bts edit I made. I would really appreciate it!

Well let's start the chapter now. Thank you for your attention <3

•Y/n pov•

While I was eating dinner I got a phone call. I picked up but before I could speak the person started talking. Jungkook's voice could be heard on the other side. "Did you kiss with Jimin?!"

"What the- no! I didn't!" I said. "Why is Taehyung crying about it then?!" Jungkook yelled. "I don't know where he got that from!" I yelled back. My parents look at me like I was crazy. I walked upstairs do they won't hear anything. "Look, Jungkook, I didn't kiss him. And I don't know where Taehyung got that from." I sigh a little. It was really quiet on the other side. Did he hang up? I look onto my phone.
Jungkook muted the call. "Jungkook!! Unmute it!!" I yell at him. "Fu- come back!" He just hung up. I sigh and go back downstairs to meet my confused parents. "What happened?" Dad asks. "That's none of your business." I say coldly. I still hated him after what happened. He's a drunk bastard who doesn't care about his family. But mom doesn't seem to hate him. She still hugs him and kisses him. He wouldn't dare to touch me because I would slap his head to the other side of the world.

"Just tell us what happened. You've been so angry to us lately." Dad says. "Shut the hell up." I didn't even look at him. "Hey don't talk like that." He says. "Okay first, it's, again, not your business! And second, I hate you." I said and got up. I walk upstairs and slapped the door behind me.
Why me?
Why do I have such a shitty dad?
Everyone from my class is like 'My dad buyed this for me!' 'Oh my god was your dad drunk?! My dad never drinks!' 'He's so lovely! I never have fights with him!'
Can I kill myself now?
I always get into fights with him.

I sigh loudly and let myself fall onto the bed. I take my phone and decided to call Jimin.

"Hey" He answers. "Hey Jimin" I say softly. "What did you tell Taehyung?" I immediately ask before he could say something else. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Jungkook just called me and said that we kissed. Taehyung was crying about it. I didn't tell him so you did." I say. "I didn't. When did he call you?" He asks. "Wait so you didn't do it? Who did it then?" I was really confused right now. "I don't know... Maybe he just made it up?" Jimin says. "That would be weird" I sigh a little. "Well that's what he is sometimes" Jimin chuckled a bit. I didn't say anything. I don't want to blame Taehyung. "But what are you doing?" Jimin asks to fill up the quietness. "Nothing. How about you?" I ask. "I just finished dinner." He said. "Oh okay" I say. "Y/n come downstairs! Now!!" I hear dad yell from downstairs. "No!!" I yell back at him. "What's wrong?" Jimin asks. "Just my stupid dad." I sigh. I hear someone come upstairs. "Fuck" I breathed out and take my headphones and opened my window fastly. I couldn't hear Jimin anymore so I fastly put him on speaker "...-happening?" He asks. "Wait" I put my phone and headphones into my pocket and climb out of my window. It wasn't really high and the sand and grass broke my fall. I still landed a bit wrong. I let out a groan from pain. But I started to walk away from home before dad would get downstairs again. I didn't care about the pain and started to run. After a moment I take my phone out of my pocket and put in my headphones. I put one in "I'm sorry. I'm back" I breathed loudly from running. "What did you do?" Jimin asks. "I ran away." I say. I don't have a jacket with me and it's really cold outside. "Why did you run away?" Jimin sounds confused. I started to explain what happened when ny dad was drunk and what happened today. "It doesn't sound like a nice dad" Jimin's voice completely went soft. "No not really. And now I can't even stay at my own fucking home." I say and kept on walking. "I can pick you up." Suggests Jimin. "I prefer not since Taehyung and Jungkook are there. They probably are mad at me." I looked around if there were no cars coming so I could go over to the other side. "I think I know where I'm going. But I have to go" I say and without saying anything I hung up. I turn on my music and started walking while I put in my second earbud. I saw a car slowing down and it stopped. "Get into the car you idiot!!" I heard my dad yell. I turn up the volume of my music and I just kept walking. "Step inside! You have nowhere to go!!" He yelled at me. I turned it up to the hardest and started to run. He had to drive because there were other cars coming. I ran over to the bridge and I just ran over to the otherside without waiting for the green light. He couldn't get me anymore because there was a railing between it. I looked behind me and saw that my dad was gone. Probably he gave up or didn't care anymore. I go walk in a slow pace because I was exhausted from running. I started to focus on the song. Bts - Sea.

I started to sing the lyrics softly and I looked around. I couldn't see a lot because it was really dark. I could see the water below the bridge because there were some lights for the boats so they know where they have to go. I walked down the bridge over cycle path. Cars were still passing by. I came to a small car parking spot and I sat down on a bench for a moment. Everytime I go to school I have to go by this road.

A few minutes later I got up and kept on walking. I walked up a hill and from here I could see my school. I walk faster to the roundabout. I had to wait for a car before I could walk further. When I finally got to the house I ring the doorbell.
I hope she's at home...

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