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The next morning Taehyung woke me up "Y/n-shii" He whispers. "Yes.." My voice is really sleepy. He chuckled "Your voice is so cute" I blushed from embarrassment and pull the blankets over my head. "No.." I whined. "Yes it is" He pulls the blankets away. "Hey that's mean!" I say and tried to grab it again. He started to tickle me so I shot up. "Taehyung stop that" I laughed. After a moment he stopped and hugged me. He pulls me down and pulls the blankets over us. I heard someone knocking on the door. Taehyung got up and walked over to the door. He slightly opened it so the person behind the door can't look into the room. "Taehyung are you coming for breakfast?" It was Jimin. Fuck. I pull the blankets over my head. "No" Taehyung says and wanted to close the door but Jimin stopped him. "Are you hiding something?" Jimin asks. "No I'm not hiding anything" Taehyung says. "Oh good. By the way have you texted Y/n today? She isn't responding to me" Jimin says. Taehyung was quiet for a moment "I don't know where she is. Can I be alone now?" Taehyung asks. "Okay if you want that." Jimin says with a mean voice and walks away. Taehyung closes the door and locks it. He walks back to me and started to cuddle me again. I was looking at my phone. I couldn't open the messages because then he could see I've read it so I just leave it be. I put my phone down again and looked at Taehyung. He had his eyes closed. I smiled at him. He's so cute right now. I stare at him for a moment.

"Don't stare at me like that baby" He smiles and opened his eyes. I giggled and hugged him. "By the way.. How am I going to get away here without someone seeing me?" I ask. "Jimin and Hoseok will go practice on some dances after breakfast. Namjoon and Jin will probably be in their room. And Jungkook will go out with someone." Taehyung says. "Oh okay" I looked at him. "But if Namjoon and Jin see you they won't tell anyone" He smiles. "Oh that's good" I smiled back. "I don't want you to leave" He pouted. "But I kind of have to since my mom is worried" He sigh a little. "Hm okay.. I will look if everyone is gone" He gets up and I have to let go off him. When Taehyung was downstairs I read Jimin's texts.


Wanna hang out this afternoon?

I want to see you again *-*

I miss you 😊

Y/n-shii respond to mee~

Y/N!! U DEAD?!

Where are you? ;-;

Come back Y/n :(


Taehyung doesn't know where you are either


Okay you literally died

I'll be alone this afternoon oh noooo ;-;

I laughed a bit. I'll just tell him that I was sleeping

Lol Jimin let me sleep in peace

I'm sorry for not responding

Jungkook pov•

I'm really nervous... "Why am I so nervous?" I say to myself. I take a deep breath before I put on my shoes I tie them and take my carkeys. "Guys I'm going out now" I walk inside the room where we always eat. Now Taehyung was here too. They all said good luck and I go outside. Ready to go to her

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