Chapter 1: Fiery Past

Start from the beginning

"Ok-okay we need to go over some things before I show you your new room okay, here have a sit" I do as she asks her slender fingers tapping countless on the faded keys. 

"Okay, I got your name..." I bounced my knee's nervously looking around. It's not to small but not too big either in this place there were stairs leading up to the rooms, and a dining hall on the other side. 

"Age please?" she started. 

"Three" I answered. 

"You're a are you allergic to anything, need any type of medical attention?" she listed off scanning her screen. 

"No I'm good" I mumbled looking down at my rundown shoes. 


"I have two quirks..." she turns in her chair her eyes wide. 

"O-okay what are they?"

"My wings can make me shapeshift into other people or things and have their power/s and...wait no I only have one" okay I know I lied but I don't like telling people that I can read minds cause then it'll be awkward. Only my mother knew. 

"Oh okay honey, now..." we just cleared up what was my favorite things such and such. After that, she pulled out of her chair. I just noticed a long grey fluffy tail in between her legs swishing side to side, must be a wolf hybrid of some sort. 

"Follow me Mrs. (L/n)" I followed suit, up to the huge staircase some kids ran past with a teddy bear on one of the kids head, I held mine close to my chest. We meet a hallway with some doors opened or closed with kids of small ages popping in and out. We walked down meeting the second to end one. 

"Here you can bunk with another kid get settled in and dinner will be served soon. Welcome to Doves Home" she gave a small smile I bowed gratefully making her blush lightly she also bows walking away. 

"Thank you Mrs. Hayz" I opened the light grey door, some toys scattered across the ground, I saw someone on top of the bunk I happily took the bottom putting my bag down. 

I flapped my wings up to the top one of the small ladder leading up to the top bunk. 

"H-hi," I say with a small wave. The little kid turns it's head a cute little boy with maroon eyes and hazelnut hair stares back at me he sees my wings and drops his jaw, moving closer to me. 

"Wow! You have wings! Oh and Hi! I'm (I made him up okay), Takuma Shiro!" he gives me a huge grin making my little cheeks dust with a red blush. 

"(Y/n), (F/n) (L/n). I love your eyes" I point out making him blush now, we laughed, he asked if he could touch my wings. I sat on his bed softly moving a Lego out of the way then tilting my wing down so he could touch it. His fingertips glaze across my Macho brown wing. I shudder a little and I haven't let anyone touch my wings before besides my parents. 

"Wow! So pretty!" he beams with a huger blush I mirror his motion. 

"How long have you been here for?" I asked. 

"About a few weeks 3 to be exact" he shrugs. I gave him a smile. 

"Let's be best friends!" he holds out his hand. I nod eagerly shaking his. We vowed to be the best of friends. We talked for a bit, his quirk is that he can control nature and summon animals from his hand and mind or turn into them too, I like that. I told him mine he fanboys. (sorry had to do it). 

"Can you show me!?" I giggled nodding. 

"Okay, I'll do you first okay?" he squeals lightly waiting for me. I inhaled deeply closing my eyes I felt myself morph into a light pale skin coating my own I heard him gasp. 

I opened my eyes showing another mimic of him. I smile his smile. He jumps up and down clapping.  

"Use my Quirk!" I nodded I saw the rain pounding on the window softly. I lifted my hand (which was his) and snapped my fingers, the raindrops stopped and we walked to the window me swishing the small raindrops around.

"You have a cool Quirk!" he says. I changed back. We laughed. 

"How much of the weather can you control?" he was about to answer but a loud ringing noise could be heard throughout the Orphanage followed by sounds of heaps of footsteps.   

"Oh, that's dinner ready come!" he holds out his hand I blushed lightly taking his slightly bigger hand, he leads me down the staircase with a handful amount of kids running and walking down the stairs he held my hand tighter so he didn't lose me. 

We entered the dining hall. I sat beside my bunk buddy there were at least 30-40 kids in the room, 5 adults serving us. I thanked the male serving me he nods talking me to eat up. It was a small roast almost. 

"Chicken, potatoes, and peas, not bad" I eat happily better than nothing. Takuma gave me some of his chicken which I gladly thanked him for. We laughed as the kids around us ate politely but we still talked loudly. 

-After Dinner-

I helped out with the dishes, brushing my teeth having a small warm shower, popping on my nightie and crawling into my bed. Mrs. Hayz checked on us one last time before turning out the lights. I just realized I don't do so well sleeping in new places, it takes time for me. 

"H-hey Takuma?" I peeked my head up to see his he sat up rubbing his eyes. 

"Y-yes?" he yawned. 

"C-can I sleep with you?" he blushed, then moved the covers for me I slip under the covers with him. 

"T-thank you I'm just new to this place" I explained blushing he nods pulling me close to his chest, my cheeks a flame. 

"I-it's okay, j-just get some sleep aye" I nodded snuggling deeper into his warm embrace. 

"Okay," I whispered falling asleep his chin on top of my (h/c) hair. 

-End of Chapter 1-

I hope you liked it so far! 

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