Changing my books I shut my locker and the bell rang out signalling the end of lunch.

"I'll see you at the movies after

school," Jesse smirked at me before waving goodbye.

"No goodbye kiss," I pouted he just shook his head.

"Save that for later."

Giggling like a lovestruck teenager I went to class.


I sat down on one of the chairs in the cinemas waiting for Jesse to arrive, we had raced to the movies and I had lost him in the traffic a while back.

"You cheated," Jesse stated as he walked in and over to me.

"How?" I laughed.

"I don't know you just did," he stuck his tongue out at me childishly before looking at the movie list.

"What are we watching mr loser?" I asked with a smirk.

He glared playfully at me, "Thor."

My eyes lit up, and I fist pumped, "yes!"

"I'm guessing you like Thor," Jesse chuckled at my actions.

"Of course I do, I like all things that can be Avengers related," I grinned.

"So marvel superheroes basically," he summed up.

"And batman, his D.C. Comics, I have all the batman movies ever made, even the early stuff," I said proudly.

"Damn, I like a nerd..." Jesse cursed under his breath and I elbowed him.

"And I like a exaggerated bad boy," I rolled my eyes at him.

"And I like a not so bad anymore bad girl," he smirked at me.

"Never really was a bad girl," I shook my head, "smart mouth maybe."

"Never really was a bad boy," Jesse copied my actions, "bit of a slut maybe."

"You better not have an STI, because this relationship isn't going anywhere near that direction if you do," I crossed my arms looking at him expectantly.

He held his hands up in surrender, "Calm down, I don't have any STI's... Anymore."

I studied him seeing if he was serious, "Your lying."

"You suck."

"Not for you I don't," I winked at him standing up.

He sighed dramatically getting up as well, "all my effort, wasted."

I hit him in the arm, "I can leave you know."

His eyes widened, "Please don't."

For some reason I felt as if he wasn't just saying this about the semi date.

I smiled at him, "I won't don't worry, I'm here for the long run."

That made him smile.


"Best movie date ever," Jesse exclaimed as we walked out to the car park.

I laughed at him, "We only watched a movie."

"And through popcorn at people," he chuckled, "The last time I did that at the movies the girls I was with always told me off. But you joined in."

My jaw dropped, "You through popcorn, dude I was throwing the gummy bears."

"You wasted gummy bears?" He gasped dramatically.

"I don't even know why you got me gummy bears, I don't like them, and you didn't eat them," I shrugged.

"I don't like them, their gross," he shuddered, "I thought you like them."

"What made you think that?"

"You were looking at them," he shrugged.

"I was looking at sour worms," I chuckled.

"Damn we should've gotten them..."

I smiled, "I'll race you home."

"Alright, I'll come around and give you your goodnight kiss."

Winking at him I got into my car and drove off towards my house. Music pumped as I drove onto my street an I groaned, another sleepless night.

Cars were parked up and down the street and I frowned as I drove closer to my house, the party...

Was at my freaking house?!

I'm sure I haven't been drunk enough to plan this!

Turning off my car in the middle of the road out from my driveway I stalked up towards the house and grabbed the first person I saw.

"Who the fuck is hosting this party?" I snapped at the guy.

He gave me a sloppy smile, "Don't know honey."

Pushing the guy away as he tried to grab my hips and pushed my way into my house, through my lounge room, to my stereo.

I was about to turn it off when someone came up to me, "What are you doing?"

I glared at Zac as he hit my hand away, "I could ask every fucking person in my house now the same thing."

"Oh this is your party then," he frowned.

"No this is my house, I have no idea who's party this is," I spat and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Take a chill pill Jackie, it's just a party, if I'm not mistaken you like those," he slurred slightly.

"I like party's at my house when I create them, not when an idiot decides to break in and host one!" I was pissed off, and about to punch something.

Zac you better step away or your going to get a nice shiner. As if reading my mind he walked back into the crowd leaving me alone.

All I wanted to do was get my kiss and go to sleep!

Oh no my bed... My bed might be getting violated.

Forgetting all about the stereo player I hiked it upstairs and pushed open the door, taking a breath of relief when I saw it untainted. Closing the door behind me stepped into my room pulling out my phone to call Jesse, I at least have to get my kiss out of all of this.

I found his contact but before pressing dial I walked up to my mirror that had a post it note on it. I don't remember putting that there.

What I read made me freeze and drop everything.

Surprise Jackie.

I felt arms wrap around me and a cloth was pressed against my mouth. I was being kidnapped...

You fucking serious.

"You should've never came back Jackie."

That voice so, so familiar...


Dun dun dunnnn final guesses on who it is :D

Next chapter will be in a week.

:* if you can wait that long.

And I know some of you guys still want me to make a sequel... But nah, I'm too lazy.



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