2. Morning After.

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"Hmm.. I have the biggest headache ever," Em groaned from beside me.

"Your fault, you shouldn't have drunk so much." I sighed as I pulled the covers off me and sat up.

"Why didn't you get wasted?" She asked sitting up as well and turning to me.

"Because I have to leave on a plane in a few hours," I replied simply.

"Oh yeah, when are you leaving?" Em asked.

I checked my phone, it read just past 10am. "Plane leaves at 1pm so I leave in three hours," I mumbled getting to my feet and grabbing the outfit I had left out for the day.

"I'm having a shower," I told Em as I walked into my bathroom and jumped into the shower. I blasted the hot water, the one thing I love more than sleep is showers, hot showers. My longest shower had been about an hour and a half. Afterwards my skin was so wrinkly I looked like I was in my eighties, my dad burst out laughing when he saw me.

I had finally convinced dad that mum was cheating on him and that he doesn't need her, she wasn't worth it. So he divorced her and moved to the opposite side of town, and now he has a promotion and is going to be even more wealthy than we are now. When they divorced dad didn't have her to spend all the money he made so we came into some fortune.

I shaved every part of me that I was suppose to shave, then I jumped out of the shower and dried my dark red hair and straightened it so it wasn't so all over the place. I slipped into my light denim mini skirt and dark blue sleeveless button up shirt before walking out of the bathroom to find Em putting on some of my clothes that she had found in the remaining boxes on my floor.

"Yeah sure Em you can wear those," I said sarcastically looking at the clothes she was wearing.

"Hey! They were just going into storage, it's a waste! Plus they look way better on me," she smiled cheekily.

"Hmm, sad but true, my tomato sauce stain does look better on you," I smiled and pointed at the small red stain on the collar.

"Damn, didn't see that," she cursed under her breath while she tried to cover the stain. She decided to wear one of my scarves to cover it up.

"Jackie you probably should start leaving, you have an hour before your flight leaves," Em noticed.

"Crap, I'm suppose to be there an hour and a half earlier," I muttered to myself. "Can you drive me or do I have to catch a cab?" I asked pulling my luggage downstairs and towards the door.

"I'll drive you," Em replied grabbing her keys from her pocket. All the guests from last night had gone by now and the cleaners had come through, so the house looked plain and bare. Most of our furniture would of been picked up once the cleaners finished with the house.

I sighed and took one last look at my house before closing the door and walking with Em to her car.

She helped me lift the suit cases into the back of her car and we speed down the highway. I would have driven myself but my baby was already travelling on a plane to the boarding house.


"I love you Jackie, we have to keep in touch," Em smiled sadly as a tear rolled down her face. I wiped it away and hugged her.

"I will I promise," I smiled back tears blurring my vision.

The announcer called my flight and I walked to my gate.

"I'll come visit on the holidays, okay, I love you Em," I called as I stepped onto the plane. I looked through the isles to find my seat, I sat down in seat 22A and leaned my face on the window as the plane took off.

You know that moment when you have a deep thought? Yeah, that happened as the plane took off. I wondered, why were we born, when we will just die? What's the point of life? Does that mean that we should enjoy life as much as we can? And what does Jai Boarding School have in stall for me?

My mind wandered over these thoughts as I looked out the window. I soon fell into an uncomfortable and dreamless sleep.


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