Chapter VIII |Down Memory Lane|

Comenzar desde el principio

"You know, it's kind of my fault as well. See, when we were back at the hospital, right before leaving, Kaminari told me to look after you all. I just did what I had to do. What if it was you who was about to be run over and there wouldn't be a trustworthy friend by your side to save you?"

"So you ran after me just because Kaminari told you so?"

"Not only because of him. I care about you Bakugo! What kind of a best friend would I be if I wasn't about to sacrifice everything for you to feel better?"

"What? You mean you'd die for me? That sounds stupid. To trade your life for a homosexual asshole with a hopeless crush and a bad reputation isn't worth it."

"You- wha- Bakugo? Do you think I think less of you just because you're gay? If anything I'm more proud to be your friend now then ever. I was your friend before you confessed that he's your crush, I still am. There's only a few things that can make me completely change my view of you."

"Them being?"

Kirishima stayed quiet.

"Okay, anyway t-thanks. I guess you made my mood light up." Bakugo turned his head away.

Kiri just looked at him and smiled, though after a moment they turned around a corner and his smile completely vanished.

Bakugo seemed to be a little startled as well.

"We didn't take this rout when we were coming here, weren't we?" Bakugo asked with a little unsureness in his tone.

"N-no, this is a short cut, though I haven't been here. I mean, I don't think I've been here, but it seems a little familiar." Kiri said and slowly started moving along.

Bakugo started to follow him after a moment. He shrugged and cought Kirishima's arm.

"We can go in a different direction. This is the place where you-"

"No, don't tell me! I know I've been here, it just may take a moment for something to pop up. Let's keep going." Kiri shook Bakugo's hand off of him without stopping.

The two of them had slowly walked over the block and were about to turn when Kirishima suddenly stopped and Bakugo accidentally ran into him.

"Sorry. Anything?"

"I- uh... I'm not sure. I know the both of us have been here at some time back and I know it wasn't during the day. I remember that it was dark and there weren't any other people around..."

Bakugo was closely listening to Kirishima, and though he knew what he was talking about, he had the feeling that he shouldn't interrupt his friend, since it looked like he was about to pull to the end of this mind thread and maybe even remember something.

"Anything else?"

Kirishima seemed to be concentrating very hard on revealing something stuck in the back of his head.

"No. I have no idea." he finally sighed and sadly started walking further.

Bakugo sighed and continued to follow him as well.

"Do you want me to tell you or..?" after a few minutes he asked Kiri who was staring at the ground.

"It's the place where I collapsed out of stress. The whole reason my head's not working anymore. Right?" he said after a moment of quiet.

"Wha- wait, you mean you remember something? That is, of that evening?" Bakugo excitedly asked him.

"Not only that. I- sorry for making you feel guilty for that. If only I hadn't seen Izuku run off, then I wouldn't feel worried."

"Yeah. Izuku ran away because of me. Therefore, it's my fault anyway. I'm the bad guy in this."

Kirishima kind of froze, though kept walking. "No it's not!"

Instead of answering, Bakugo just looked at him as if he had said "Really? It's pretty obvious."

"We- I'm not looking for a person to blame here. Do you think you're the only one who has ever fucked up? In my past, I have as well and I know how it sucks to feel after that. This whole time I was the reason you felt miserable and I'm sorry for that-"

Bakugo turned Kiri towards him and grabbed his shoulders.

"I am the one who should be apologizing here. Stop taking my job away." he said as he swiftly pulled Kirishima into a hug.

"I.. I won't ever put you in danger, no matter what, Kirishima. No matter what." Bakugo said with a soggy voice.

"Yeah, you kind of proved it yesterday. I'm sure of it." Kiri said and wrapped his arms around the boy in return.

They continued the walk and soon enough arrived at the Nashiroma hospital. Kyoka and the other two students were there, waiting for the both of them.

They greeted each other and went inside the hospital.

The filleriest of fillers that there is, was and will be.

I'm sorry, but the action has to waiiiit. I love to write that much more than this but I can't make everyone go to the hospital every second chapter.

This filler isn't even good. It's just.... blergh ew.

Art credit: Tarokunnnn on Twitter

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