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/Izuku's p.o.v./

I tried to lure that bastard out from his house but it looks like it didn't work. Only some pros showed up, but they were just substituting for All Might.

Then again, it would be emotional for either one of us or both of us. At this point, that kind of emotions disgust me. I've been rotting in my room with them for too long.

Ugh! But that prick! I went through all this trouble just so he could see what his actions have lead to, but he is still sitting somewhere and doesn't even know this happened.

He really doesn't care for anybody but himself. But then again, why should I or anyone be surprised about it at that manner.

Well, looks like it's going to take more than a few building complexes destroyed for him to give a shit. The same Bakugo he has always been.

/reader's p.o.v./

Izuku was sitting on the flat roof of a house. He was just a few houses away from the district he had just completely demolished.

He was sitting on the edge of the roof and looking at the broken down buildings in the distance. It was getting dark and the street lights under him started to light up.

"Hmph. It's not even that dark yet, why do they even bother? How am I supposed to move around the city unnoticed?" Izuku said, looking over the yellow light covered streets with disgust.

"These clouds don't look like they're promising a pleasant night either. Yes, of course! I fail to lure out that murderer, everyone thinks I am the bad guy and the sky thinks it's best if I rome around soaking for a night or two." the boy scoffed and jumped up on the edge of the roof.

"Maybe my real quirk was bad luck." he chuckled.

First drops of rain finally started falling down from the gray, thick clouds. Just as one of them was about to hit Izuku's suit, he snapped it out of the way with his finger, not letting it wet the fabric.

"Careful. Mom made this for me. 'D be a shame if it were to get wet or dirty." he said, swiftly putting on a black rain coat he had grabbed from his home before he left it.

He took a brief look over the nearby city around him. The rain was starting to pour down, and the giant dust clouds he had created just about an hour ago were starting to settle down as well.

He turned his head around and leaned over the roof again. He saw people running to their homes and seeking shelter from the rain.

He leaned back and looked up at the sky, letting some bits of water to fall into his wide open eyes, which caused him to flinch.

"I can't run around here for long. It's been hell of a long time since I slept in a bed. Slept at all. I know it's not what I should be doing right now, but maybe I could go back to the flat. That bastard can wait if he has that much time on his hands." Izuku thought to himself and took a running start before activating the quirk on his legs and leaping over the roof of the building to another.

He continued to do so until he reached his house. He looked at it from the far. It was hard to see the window through the darkness the weather was causing and the rain only made it worse, by making the boy's eyes go blurry.

He decided to take a closer look and come inside. The rain was making his hair and clothes wet which made him feel very uncomfortable.

He was standing on the edge of the window sill outside. Even though he was closer to it, he couldn't see inside since the whole apartment was just as dark as the weather outside.

"Bummer. Now I have to find a way to get inside without scratching myself." he murmured under his breath and slowly put his head and torso through the opening in the window.

Once he got inside and his eyes got used to the darkness he saw the mess that he had left behind, though he noticed that some things weren't where he had left them.

Some things looked like they were pushed out of the way and some benches were at the couch. He went to his room to find it open and full with the same trash he had been living in.

He noticed that the picture he had seen right before he left wasn't on the floor and nowhere else in the room at that matter. 

"Hmm. Was someone here? I could've sworn I left the picture here." he said and left the room with a little more cautiousness. 

Once he got back to the living room he saw that the front door was opened because a small light from the staircase peeked through the gap in it. He went closer and opened the door. As a surprise they opened up and the light shined into the dark room. 

He looked at the door from the illuminated side and saw black soot marks around the doorknob. "It was burned open? Or... blown open? Why would someone want to come to my apartment anyway. Unless.. Bakugo!" the realization hit Izuku and he closed the door shut with a loud bang.

The boy was even more angry at his childhood friend than before. Not knowing how to put out his frustration, he punched the wall next to him which slightly shook it around him.

"After all that he has done he hasn't had enough? He just had to come here, didn't he." Izuku yelled through his teeth.

Slowly he took his arm back and took a few deep breaths and looked out the window.

"Alright, where is that photo?" he quietly said to himself and started looking around. It wasn't anywhere in his room or outside of it.

After looking around for a long time he finally found it lying next to the couch in the living room.

"Odd. The wind couldn't have taken it this far. Why did he need this picture so bad he had to take it all the way here?" Izuku ducked down to pick up the picture and stood up.

He walked over to the couch and sat down on it. Dust rised from it since it hadn't been used in a long time. He noticed something float in the air from it and cought it between his fingers.

"What is this? A hair? Doesn't look like Bakugo's though. Why would there be a red hair here?" Izuku put it closer to his eyes to take a closer look.

"Kirishima? I mean, he's the only guy I know who's close to Bakugo and who has red hair. Why would that dick of a person drag him over here? Was he planning on hurting them too? Ugh! He is disgusting! Going after a person to another! I need to stop him as soon as possible! But I have to find him first... Why is this so fucking hard?" Izuku took his head with his hands and shook it.

"No! Izuku Midoriya! Calm the hell down! You are acting over that guy again! Calm down! Calm down! Calm! Calm.. calm.." he started falling asleep on the couch. He had barely slept throughout that week and all the lack of sleep was finally getting to him.

The tired boy lied down on the couch and fell asleep almost immediately.

I know this chapter was supposed about how the squad visits Kaminari in the hospital but I just noticed that there were four chapters about them in a row and I started missing Izuku and though chapters with him are pure filler, I kinda like writing them.

So yah, Kami's going wild next chapter.

I devote this chapter for people who have some heavy shit going on in their lives. I wan't y'all to know that you aren't alone and I love you no matter what you think is a flaw about yourself because that's what makes you unique.

Ok, I'm off.

Art credit: Nope. I can't find it. Got it on Instagram tho.

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