Chapter XIV |Injuries|

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"So which hospital did they take him to?" Uraraka asked Kyoka as they were walking in between the ambulance cars.

"They said that they were taking him to the nearest one, but I don't really know my way around this place." Kyoka shrugged, but didn't feel as bad as before.

"I've been here a few times to visit Midoriya for projects and homework. I think I kind of know where the hospital would be. I could even get there quickly and check for him, using my quirk." Iida let the other students know.

"Well then what are you waiting for? Just go ahead and sonic your way over there?" Bakugo yelled at his classmate impatiently.

"No. It's fine. We can just ask someone here. I don't want you exhausting yourself." Kyoka said and started looking for a doctor.

Soon enough, Uraraka already found a doctor and was talking to him about something. After a few minutes she ran back to the group excited.

"Good news guys! The hospital they got Kaminari to is the Nashiroma hospital and they are about to drive back too. I asked if we could catch a ride and the doctor said sure!" she quickly said to the group, grabbed Kyoka's hand and started leading her there.

Though surprised, Kyoka turned back while still being dragged and yelled: "Last one to the car is an extra!" as she let go of Uraraka and booked towards the vehicle.

Kirishima and Iida started running, but Bakugo stayed behind. He knew that they had to tell the guys about Izuku at some point. And that point had to be soon.

"Bakugo! What are you doing, we're about to leave!" Kirishima yelled at him from the back of the car.

"I-I'm coming." he stuttered and took a slow run to the vehicle. He jumped in, closed the doors, then sat down and stayed quiet.

After about fifteen minutes the car reached Nashiroma hospital. Iida thanked the driver for the lift, they all got out of the car and went into the facility.

Kyoka was the first one to run up to the registration. "Excuse me, could there be someone named Denki Kaminari at your hospital? He was injured in his eye and taken away about an hour ago." she quickly asked the woman behind the counter.

The woman quickly searched up Kaminari in her computer and turned back to Kyoka. "Are you a realative to Mr. Kaminari?" she asked the girl.

"No, I'm his girlfriend. He got taken away from the area in which five building complexes were destroyed." she said, nervously tapping her finger against the counter.

"Alright. Yes, Mr. Kaminari is at our facility. He is on the second floor, room 236 and is being taken care of. You may have to wait outside." the woman said and pointed to a staircase.

"Thank you very much! C'mon guys, let's go!" Kyoka looked at the group and started running towards the stairs. They reached the second floor and ran to the room the woman had told them to.

They knocked loudly on the doors and a nurse came outside to see what was going on. "What are you kids doing?"

"I am very sorry, but is this the room where Kaminari is?" Kyoka cleared her throat and loudly asked the nurse.

"He needs rest. You can wait-" the nurse was interrupted by another voice inside the room.

"Kyoka? Is that you?" Kaminari asked from behind the door.

"Please let me in! I need to see him!" Kyoka begged the nurse, who was blocking the way.

She looked down and sighed. "Fine. But only for fifteen minutes. Mr. Kaminari needs to rest." she said and opened the door for the students who all ran inside the room.

Kyoka ran up to Kaminari and hugged him from the side as her boyfriend did the same.

"Oh my god, you scared me! Leaving like that! Have you any idea how worried I was?" she said, pressing her head against the boys shoulder, starting to cry again.

"I am so sorry, Kyoka! I didn't mean to make you worry about me! Please, please don't cry!" Kaminari started crying as well.

The rest of the students gathered around Kaminari's hospital bed.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to protect you! This is all my fault!" Kyoka released from the hug and looked at the injured student.

"Don't blame yourself! This is my fault for not being cautious enough." Kaminari raised his hand and wiped off the girl's tears.

She put her hand over Kaminari's and looked over at him again. She noticed a big bandage on the boy's eye, which was covered by his hair. She lifted it up and revealed the place where he was wounded.

"Kyoka, please. Don't worry about this. This is in no way any shape or form your fault!" Kaminari took his hair and covered up the bandage again.

"What? Is it bad? How bad are you hurt?" she started worrying again. Kaminari sat up on the bed and took both of Kyoka's hands. The rest of the students were visibly worried as well.

"Kyoka, I don't know how you will react at this. They said that it's pretty serious. I... I may not be able to see with that eye ever again. They say they did everything they could, but there still are limits to what doctors can do." Kaminari said, watching how with every word his girlfriend became more and more sadder.

"All of these events... first Kirishima has amnesia, then Midoriya gets lost and now you... Kaminari... I don't know how much of this I can take. You are so very important to me and I can not bare looking at you when you're hurt. I don't want you to ever get hurt again, so... no matter what happens, where ever you have to go... I will always be by your side to protect you from anything that could ever happen to you, ok? Please, please don't do anything stupid ever again." Kyoka said while still holding on to Kaminari's hand.

The boys eyes got watery again as he looked up at his girlfriend. "You must forgive me, Kyoka. I did one stupid thing just now." he said while looking up at her.

"W-what? What do you mean?" the girl looked at Kaminari confused.

"I.. I stupidly fell even more in love with you." he said, wrapping his hand around Kyoka's head and kissing her on the lips.

Everyone around them was just as surprised as Kyoka herself. She closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

"Since when did you become so cheesy?" she said in a sniffling voice once she pulled away.

"I always have been." he said and fell back into the bed, rising the cover over his face.

"What are you doing now?"

"What? You think I'm not embarrassed at all? I even did it in front of other people." Kaminari said in a muffled voice under the covers.

"Oh my gosh, you guys!! This is so adorable, I think I'm going to die!!" the two were greeted by Uraraka who had been standing right beside them all the time.

"Congratulations! You two make a cute couple!" Kirishima said from the other side of the bed.

"I'm... very happy for you!" Iida said calmly.

Bakugo stayed quiet however. Everyone was waiting for him to make the moment into a joke or even actually congratulate them, but he just stayed quiet.

"Guys, I need to tell you all something." he said, finally breaking the moment of silence.

"Ab-bout what?" Iida stuttered out a response.

"I'm not sure if any of you saw the villain, but I think it might have been Midoriya."

At this point this could've been a Kamijiro fanfic Xd. How'd y'all like that cheesy pick up line.
I thought of it myself while about half way into the chapter and was obligated to include it.

Oh yeah and it was their first kiss too. Just so you know.

Next chapter is the one with angry Kaminari, because I needed the two of them to have a moment. Her boyfriend just lost his eye for fucks sake!

Art credit: hosimorii on Twitter

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