Chapter VII |He Returns|

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All five of the students stood in place. They didn't expect to see their classmate.

"H-hey! What's up?" the familiar student said with a confused look on his face.

Bakugo and Kaminari stepped back in surprise. Iida and Uraraka moved closer to the trio and took a closer look at their classmate.

Kyoka, on the other hand, couldn't hide her excitement.

"Kirishima!" she screamed loud enough to startle her friends.

The girl ran up to her classmate and hugged him which caused him to move back a few steps from her strength. He was a little confused but hugged back lightly.

"Bro! I missed you!" Kaminari exclaimed and ran up to Kirishima, hugging him tightly.

Once again, their classmate was surprised at first, though he returned the boy's hug.

Kyoka giggled a little, then let go of her classmate. So did Kaminari.

Uraraka and Iida walked past Bakugo. "Hi Kirishima! Good to have you back!" Iida said and shook his hand.

"Happy you're back, Eijirou!" Uraraka greeted her classmate.

Kirishima was still confused but didn't want to seem like a dunce because of it.

"Oh! Wow, I didn't expect to be welcomed back this way." he finally spoke.

"We were actually on our way home. This is a great surprise!" Kyoka said to her classmate, excitement still sensible in her voice.

"Haha, I'm still kinda surprised though." Kirishima said and looked at Kyoka with an endearing look.

"Uhm, sorry to ask you this but are you my girlfriend or something?"

Everyone was surprised, but not as much as Kyoka. For a moment everyone kept silent.

Suddenly, Kyoka started laughing very loudly. Kaminari joined her.

"Hahahaha!! Oh my god! That- that was a good one, Kiri! I missed your jokes!" she said while trying to hold in her laughter.

Kirishima frowned a little. "O-oh. I just thought, since you were so happy I came back, you... I'm sorry."

Kaminari looked at his friend. "Have you lost your mind? You're just friends, dude! Oh my gosh, your face makes it so much better!" he said while grinning still.

Their laughing died down when their friend didn't respond for a while. The atmosphere became a little more serious all of a sudden.

"Uhh, Kiri? Is everything alright? You don't seem as yourself anymore." Kyoka approached her friend and put her hand on his shoulder, still smiling as if it was a joke.

"I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings, but... who are you?" Kirishima asked the girl, still confused.

Kyoka's smile faded away from her face when he said those words. She slipped her hand off of his shoulder and looked at Kaminari who seemed to be just as confused.

Uraraka, Iida and Bakugo were just as confused.

"W-what? What do you mean you don't know my name?" Kyoka looked back into Kirishima's eyes.

"Dude, if this is a joke, it's not funny anymore." Kaminari came up and stood beside Kyoka, also looking into the eyes of his friend.

"This isn't a joke. I really don't know who you are." the boy said, completely serious.

"I.. I'm your friend, Kyoka! Jiro Kyoka! Don't you remember me? A-and Kaminari? Bakugo? Iida or Uraraka? Don't you know who we are?" the girl looked at Kirishima with her watering eyes.

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