Chapter XVII |Sleep Away Secrets|

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"What? How- why would you think that? Do you really think my standards have dropped to his level?" Bakugo exclaimed, freeing himself from Kirishima's strong grip.

"Haven't they though?" his classmate tilted his head and looked back at him.

"Yeah they have." Bakugo hesitantly agreed to him and looked down.

"Well, I mean, maybe if I hadn't lost the memory of you I wouldn't think you like him, but ever since I saw you again after the... accident, you have been making it pretty obvious, man." Kirishima put his hand on Bakugo's shoulder and gave him a pat.

"Oh no.. am I really such a bad actor?"

"If you could call that acting, I'd say you are the worst one I have ever seen." Kiri chuckled.

"Oh noooo! Do you think the others noticed?"

"Eh. I think Kyoka was too busy with Kaminari and the two of the others... yeah, they might have noticed. But I would never know for sure. I don't think either of them would suspect that you like guys so maybe you went unnoticed."

Bakugo fell down on the floor. He took his pillow and pressed it against his face, then proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs.

"Bro, chill. My family may not be here, but I don't wanna be responsible for waking up our neighbors." Kirishima whispered at him and reached his hand to pull the pillow off of his face.

He revealed Bakugo's red eyes. He had started crying for some reason and that sort of startled Kirishima.

"Ba- Bakugo! Are you okay? Did something get in your eyes?" he yelled out, trying to comfort his friend.

"Yeah, the realization that I fucked up somewhere along the way." he sarcastically said while continuously sobbing.

"Wh- huh? What the heck do you mean?"

"I.. I couldn't tell him. Ever since the day I took his first kiss, I haven't been able to tell him how I feel. I mean, not that I didn't, I just showed my feelings in a way that could be interpreted as hurting him without much of a reason. I teased him, I laughed at him, I hurt him physically... I thought he would get it, but... Kirishima, am I wrong? As a person?" Bakugo hugged the pillow and turned his head to the side so his tears would drip off of his face.

Kirishima just looked at him without saying a word. Bakugo was more vulnerable than he had ever been and he chose to confess everything to him. He did so because he trusted him just so much. And he couldn't just keep quiet after that.

"Bakugo. If you were a bad person, we wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be alive. Sure, from some aspects on how you treat people around you, you might seem to be a harsh asshole who only cares about his own benefit. I may be the only one, but I can see much more than that. I know that the way you expressed your feelings towards Midoriya may not have been the best approach, but it's not your fault you may not know how to do it the best way, because nobody can be angry at you for loving someone. You were hard on him and maybe he took it in the wrong way, but I'm sure if you told him, he would understand."

Bakugo's eyes had dried and he was completely concentrated at Kirishima. Nobody had said anything like that to him for the longest time.

"You really think he would understand why I have been digging him in a shitpile for the past five years or so?" Bakugo sarcastically asked his friend.

"It may be a lot to take in, but I think he would understand sooner or later." Kirishima sighed and looked down on him.

"Yeah? Well, my crush over here is either a villain now or kidnapped probably. And the worst part is, it may even be because of me. I'm not sure there is anyone out there who wouldn't be angry at me right now." Bakugo chuckled while throwing around some random gestures with his hands.

"I'm not angry at you. But where did you get the idea from that it's all your fault?" Kirishima leaned in a little.

"Kaminari. We had an argument back at Nashiroma. Well, not really an argument, to be honest. I just stood there while he ranted about how I am to blame for all of this. But.. he's right, you know." Bakugo shrugged.

Kirishima kind of felt bad for his friend. All of this was slowly pushing him down.

He was taking all the blame for hurting the person he was trying to love.

This made Kirishima tear up as he took Bakugo's hand and made direct eye contact with him.

"This is too much for you. Tomorrow we should both go back to Kaminari at the hospital and explain everything. Then he would know that it wasn't your fault and the two of you would be at peace. I think Kyoka wouldn't want you two fighting either. Nor would Iida and Uraraka or anyone at that matter." Kiri expressed his idea with small tears in his eyes.

Bakugo was shocked but then let go of Kiri's hand and turned away. He crossed his arms and didn't seem to approve of his friend's idea.

"I don't think I can say this to everyone. I just... don't feel comfortable doing that. I said it now only because the moment made me. I think they might start to think the wrong thing about me if I say anything." he quietly said which made Kirishima slightly upset.

"But... i-if we told this to them so many problems would be solved! Everyone would know that you actually care about Midoriya and you wouldn't feel like it-"

"Yeah, but have you thought about the problems it could cause? I want to be the one who gets to talk to Midoriya. I don't want them to think that I'm weak for that and make me sit out and miss my chance to see him. What if... what if I am the only one who can talk some sense into Izuku?" Bakugo interrupted Kirishima.

The room stayed silent for a while until Bakugo turned his head again and looked at his friend.

"Kirishima. You are my best friend, although I may not have treated you like that for a long ass time. You are the only one who knows about this and I trust my life in that you won't tell this to anybody else. What I'm saying is that this stays a secret between the two of us." Bakugo had gotten up and looked his friend right in the eyes.

Kirishima was a little shocked.
"But... Bakugo if we just told them it would make things much eas-"

"No! This is a secret you have to keep. I am in a fragile state with the others right now anyway, I think if I just confessed out of the blue, it would make things only more complicated." his friend said and waited for Kirishima to answer.

Although he wanted to tell the truth to the other students, Bakugo had just saved his life. All he was asking for was to keep a secret who he entrusted with Kirishima and him only.

The boy took a deep breath and smiled a little. "Of course, Bakugo." he said quietly watching as his friend gladly sighed and smiled a little as well.

"Alright, we should get some sleep and go see the other guys tomorrow. I bet Kyoka will want to visit Kaminari so we should tag along with her. Maybe Iida and Uraraka will come too." Kirishima said as he layed down on the mat and reached to turn off the light.

"Yeah, okay. Goodnight, Shitty-hair." Bakugo said quietly and layed down as well and got under the blanket.

"Goodnight!" Kiri responded as he turned off the light and layed down as well.

Bakugo seemed to have fallen asleep peacefully, but Kirishima wasn't able to close his eyes for a while. Adrenaline was still running through him and he was worried for a lot of things.

After about an hour he finally closed his eyes and went to sleep as well.

Now THIS is some good ass confrontation if I don't say so myself.

I'm not sure if I should get back into action. These past few chaps have been so action-filled I think the d00ds need a break.

Art credit: Omu☆" on Pixiv

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