Chapter X |Stay Alert|

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Uraraka and Iida ran up the stairs until they reached the third floor and waited for the rest of the group to catch up.

"Someone sure is excited, huh?" Kaminari said as he finally made it up the stairs, heavily breathing.

"Hm. Even I can't tell if you are actually out of shape or being sarcastic, Denki. I'm leaning towards the first one though." Kyoka giggled once she reached the group.

"Hey! You know that I train every day!" Kaminari got a little heated and screamed, his voice echoing in the stairwell.

"Shush up, will you? I don't think his neighbors would tolerate your girlish screams." Iida said seriously, though made it into a joke to tease Kami a little more.

As he was about to say some sort of come back, Bakugo put his hand in front of the boys mouth and sighed in irritation.

"Let's just go. I'm tired of this nonsense." he said impatiently.

Iida rang the doorbell a couple times, but nobody went to answer the door. They tried knocking and calling out for Izuku but there was no response.

"Huh. Do you think he's maybe asleep or something?" Kaminari suggested, though Iida didn't think so.

"M-maybe he just doesn't want to be disturbed." Kirishima finally spoke.

"No, he always answers the doorbell when his mom's not home." Uraraka sighed.

"I don't think she's coming home any time soon." Kaminari said quietly behind Kyoka's back.

"Dude! What the hell? If we wanted to get a dark and deep atmosphere, we would've called for Tokoyami!" Kyoka turned around and dunked her elbow in the boys stomach which made him bend his back in pain.

"Maybe try knocking again?" Kiri suggested but was hushed by Bakugo who just walked past him and with a small explosion blew up the doorknob.

"Ladies first!" he shouted out and opened the door, gesturing his friends to enter.

"You really didn't have to do that, ya know." Iida added before Uraraka and Kyoka entered the apartment. The rest of them followed in.

The group made their way into the living room. At first they couldn't see anything because the lights were turned off and weren't working. A warm breeze swept through the room from the window.

"He must've forgotten to pay the electric bills. Not that, he probably couldn't even afford to pay them." Kirishima added as the group was looking around the room.

"Gosh, I can't see anything! Doesn't anyone have a flashlight on their phone?" Kyoka asked to the guys.

Kaminari took out his phone, turned on the flash and illuminated the room. Everyone was shocked.

The curtains were torn off and thrown on the ground next to the broken window. All furniture was dusty and dirty. Next to the couch in the middle of the room layed a broken picture frame.

"This looks like it was dropped. Did Izuku do it?" Uraraka reached down to turn around the broken frame to see the picture of Izuku and Inko.

She slid the picture out of the frame and showed it to the rest of the students.

"It's him and his mother. Maybe he wasn't the one who made all of this mess." Iida said and gave Uraraka the picture. "That could mean that someone has broken in here. We should check the rest of the rooms."

Kaminari went to the kitchen, Bakugo went to check Inko's room, Kyoka and Uraraka stayed in the living room to check for some other clues. Iida went to the washroom but Kirishima- to Izuku's room.

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