Chapter XVI |Close|

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Bakugo grabbed his jacket and ran out of the room without saying goodbye to the other students, slamming the door behind him.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, Kaminari had just scared him more than he ever had been. But Kaminari wasn't the one Bakugo was afraid of.

It was himself.

He ran to the end of the hallway and down the staircase, confusing some doctors in the way. He shut his eyes so no tears would leak through them and was almost blindly running through the facility's first floor until he reached the automatic door.

It opened to his movement and let the boy run outside in the warm evening air. He stopped right before he had reached the street right next to the Nashiroma hospital.

Bakugo stopped and fell on his knees. He opened his closely shut eyes and with that let out a long stream of tears.

"What have I done." he mumbled under his breath.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks and made his clothes get slightly wet from that. Not that it mattered, as rain started to fall down the sky almost after that.

The water started falling on Bakugo's face, which made it harder to tell if he was crying or not.

The boy bent his head forward and wiped the water and his tears away from his eyes. He then got up and put on his jacket which he hadn't done in the rush.

The fabric uncomfortably covered Bakugo's soaked shirt and made him shiver a little. That didn't seem to bother him though.

The student started to head away from the hospital. His head was still hanging down and he was walking slowly at first but when he had gone a larger distance away from the hospital he started walking faster which slowly after escalated to running.

He was running by the busy street of vehicles and lights which he didn't want to see at that moment. His eyes were shut almost completely, just so much he could see where he was going.

Though Bakugo hadn't been in that area, he didn't want to go back to someone who could help him. He had been asking for more and more this whole time and wasn't proud of what had come out of it.

He stopped once he reached the end of the street. An idea flashed through his mind.

He was going to go to Izuku's apartment and apologize.

The fact that Izuku may not even be in the apartment didn't bother him. He just needed to see his friend and say sorry for how he had been acting.

The thought that Izuku most likely could hurt him due to his mental state didn't cross his mind either. He just wanted to see him so bad he forgot that he should be aware of his surroundings as well.

The boy restarted running the way he thought Izuku's home was. Neither did he know how far from the Nashiroma hospital was his apartment, nor if he was going the right way. He was searching for the place completely blindly.

Bakugo turned on a street corner which wasn't as busy as the main road. He pressed his back against the wall of a house and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down a little.

He closed his eyes and listened to what was happening around him. Bakugo heard the speedy cars drive by him and honking at each other.

He heard the rain fall on the streets making small rivers of water flow down the steep road.

Once Bakugo opened his eyes again he heard something else. Someone was running behind the street corner and was about to reach it.

It could've been any normal person trying to hide from the rain or someone who was taking a run, but Bakugo had the feeling this wasn't the case.

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