Chapter XV |You Let Us Down|

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"Midoriya?" the three of the students shouted out at the same time.

"Why would you think it's him? We thought he was kidnapped."

"We couldn't have known for sure. It looked like someone had been there, but we didn't see it, so maybe that wasn't even the case."

"Ok, sure, but that doesn't mean that this random villain who coincidentally was attacking near Midoriya's home was him. At least I don't believe it."

Kyoka, Iida and Kaminari all screamed loud objections over to Bakugo.

"Guys, look. When me and Kirishima were walking around our building, I saw the villain through the hall window. I-I know that there were dust clouds everywhere and it was getting dark, but he looked just like Midoriya. He isn't the only person in the world with green hair, but when I saw his eyes, I... I knew it was him." Bakugo shrugged and turned away from everyone.

"I actually took a closer look at the picture from the alert earlier when we were at his house and I thought it looked like Midoriya and I thought that if in any chance the villain was him, if I went with Bakugo, he could talk to him and get him to calm down so we don't get hurt since I wouldn't be much help with my amnesia and all." Kirishima added, attracting everyone's attention.

"So.. you knew too? Was I the only one who didn't know?" Kyoka looked around at everyone.

"I knew too.. i-it was just the three of us." Uraraka nervously answered while fidgeting her fingers.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier. I mean, you could've told us when we met afterwards and we could let Kaminari know when we arrived." Iida crossed his arms and coldly said to the students.

"Come on, you saw how bad Kyoka was feeling then. This could've only made it worse." Uraraka spoke up like she was about to start a fight with him.

"Chill out you guys. We are at a hospital." Kirishima calmed the two down.

After a moment of silence, Kaminari looked up at Kirishima from the hospital bed.

"You mean, you don't remember what happened the last time we saw him?" he asked, feeling suspicious.

"The last time I saw him? No, I- well, not really.. I remember some things about him, like, basic information and how he looks but I don't remember the last time I did anything with him." the student explained to him. Some things he added made Bakugo worry about something, since the same question was in his mind.

"Kami, are you okay? Why the question all of a sudden." Kyoka asked the boy, who seemed to be contemplating something in his head.

"Hey guys, c-could me and Bakugo have a word? Like, just the two of us?" after a moment of brainstorming Kaminari finally sat up on his bed.

"Uh.. s-sure thing. Should we wait outside?" Iida asked his classmate.

"Yeah. Oh, and tell the nurse we might take a little longer than fifteen minutes." he added right before the group left the room. Uraraka nodded and closed the door behind her.

Bakugo didn't quite know what Kaminari was going to ask him about, though he had a hunch. He watched as his classmate pushed the covers off of him and straightened his back.

"So you haven't told them yet, huh?" Kaminari started the conversation, while looking down to the ground.

"Told them what? I already said that I think that the villain is Midoriya. What's more to it?" Bakugo indignantly dropped and crossed his arms.

"Not... that. You know, I really don't want to believe that the villain was actually Midoriya but if he was... and I don't want to be pointing fingers but I think it's sorta because of you, Bakugo." he raised his head and looked right into the boy's eyes.

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