As is suited

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  And I feel that your love for me comes as seasons; just as the ocean's waves crash against land only to return, as leaves fall every autumn, as ink fades away from paper. Your love for me is not something permanent. You come to me as you see fit, when you're bored you remember me. When your mood shifts you look for me. As much as my heart yearns I will never be a priority to you, of any importance. I'll only be a secondary escape, a temporary breath of relief from your worries. You seek me when you wish for empty satisfaction, for meaningless gossip, for shallow conversations. Why don't you come to me when you mean to love? When you have burdens to share? When there are problems bothering you? Am I not worthy enough to look at your soul, to caress your darkest monsters, the depths of your mind. Time shows all truths and realities. I suppose this is just another lesson to be learnt.

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