Now < before

17 1 0

  You know the thing about pain? It may never stop hurting but the effect might lessen. Day by day, each time you rip off the bandage, eventually it doesn't hurt as much it did in the first time. You used to cry at the pain but now you're used to it. You let yourself become as hard as rocks on the seabed, a heart as cold as the glaciers in the Himalayas, a tongue as sharp as a swordsman's blade, exterior walls as high as the monuments in Greece, a will as resolute as concrete. Changed but not yet completely; unsure of whether it is for better or for worse. Your skin tells its own tales, your eyes speak their own truth, your voice utters its own sweet lies. You're a conflict against your own self, saying you're okay while ripping apart. But it becomes lesser than before. Eventually the present becomes more bearable than what you left in the past. 

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