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  Completely and utterly alone. No matter how many friends she made or how many people she trusted or even how many people cared, she would still be alone. They couldn't help no matter how much they wanted to. They'll never know of the nights she spent on her own, agonizing pain, terrorizing thoughts and endless tears. Feeling like her head would split open in a matter of seconds. Praying for someone, anyone to help, understand, support.
  How can someone feel so alone? Feel like confiding is the greatest of crimes, feel like if her words were too loud she would scare others away or they would come to see her as someone they despise. She herself feared what was inside of her so why wouldn't others? Oh how she cried through the nights and no one knew. She wore a mask of a brave smile and tired eyes. Her body aching, her soul shattering. How could she expect someone to understand and accept the darkness inside of her, to be able to see the struggle she was going through? Maybe it was never meant to happen... Maybe she was to forever be alone.

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