Those curtained windows

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 You see that girl? Laughing without a care in the world. Have you ever gazed into her eyes? Have you ever been able to uncover the mysteries they hold? 
   She had a barely noticeable habit; not meeting someone's stare for long, casting her eyes downwards or glancing elsewhere. She unknowingly hid her eyes from the world, from others who might see through them and look at her tormented soul; grieving and hurting. She would guard herself in the best possible manner, refusing to let the image she creates become distorted but her eyes were always like crystalline into her depths, her stormy spirit, her pain filled days. Those very eyes held her unshed tears, her suffering, her truths. Some were able to read these orbs in her brief, curious glances. While others failed to capture the truth in that little time. 
  Those deep brown eyes, shielded by dark long lashes. Those very eyes that glinted gold on a sunny day, burning bright and fierce. Those very eyes that would glisten and turn glassy as she would try to hold back tears. Those eyes that held endless tales of mystery and the unknown, which would twinkle with their own spark and dimmed as her light would fade. These eyes which were windows she always tried to keep closed or cover the truth they held. Alas, it was an ability she had failed to master. For now, she could only look away, only hide those brown and golden irises. only let her mask fool others and let her puzzles and mysteries stay hidden, her soul unexposed...

*(Original image not owned by me)

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