I remember

17 1 0

I remember child. I remember the time I held you while you wept. How you cried because your mother and father wouldn't get along. Or how you cried when your sister forsake you. I remember your tears when your friends left you. I remember your despair when your world was falling apart. I remember your suffering, the feeling of loss you felt, your misery taking over you. While your walls were crumbling and your reality shattering, I remember being the one who held you in my arms. I was the one who comforted you, wiped away your tears, brought a smile upon your lips.
  Now, I see you holding the knife dripping with my very blood. I see you pulling it out of my chest after being the one who stabbed me with it. I see the resentment in your eyes, how you despise me, how you truly see me. In that moment all the memories we shared, the laughs, the talks, the love; I can't help but think it was all a lie, an illusion. It was a venomous bite hidden behind a pretty smile. It was a forked tongue disguised in sweet talks. It was cuts covered in tattoos. It was all pretend, an image created from deception.

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