Past the obvious

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You see her standing over there? The one who's talking and laughing. Now look a bit closer. Look through her eyes, how tired they seem. Her stance, reserved and hidden. Her hair covering the side of her face, concealing her expressions. Her leg bouncing as though any second she'll run. Her hands jittery. Her arms wrapped around her and shaking. You see that chains hanging off of her sides, the ones keeping her down? They're the very chains that she can't break free from. Do you see that rope around her neck? It's woven from her fears and doubts. Every time she tries to let out her burdens, the thoughts tormenting her, the rope tightens, suffocating her words. Now look at her arms. You see those tapes wrapped on them? They hide her scars.
   This time look a bit closer, a bit deeper. Look at her soul. You see that darkness tainting that white soul? How it's slowly devouring the light completely. In that darkness you can see her demons latching on to her, further destroying her spirit. Now, take a step back, maybe one more. You see? How all of that vanishes? How quickly her illusions and walls come in to place. It's all a matter of how closely you look...

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