Burning her soul

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Collecting the pieces of her writing, her art, her dreams, her hopes, all scribbled on paper, and tore them apart. Taking a handful of the pieces and further shredding them. With a growing bitterness and rage inside of her, she took out a box of matches from her back pocket and struck a match. The flame sparked to life and was thrown onto the destroyed thoughts. Within a few seconds the bright flames grew larger, engulfing everything. Wisps of smoke blended into the dark night sky, stinging her eyes and making her cough. The uncomfortable heat touched her face yet she didn't pull back. The flames curling around the torn memories on paper, the fire craving more, it all seemed entrancing. To feed the fire what it desired she moved her hand closer, trying to shuffle some of the pieces of the paper among the mountains of ash. In this process she unknowingly burnt her fingers but couldn't care less. The pain was stinging yet numbing. Disregarding the burning skin she moved some of the spared pieces of paper and watched as the greedy flames devoured them. She watched as the words she'd once written, words which once meant so much to her, held immense meaning for her, turned to nothing but lifeless ash. Embers glowing in the caliginous night, reflecting against the darkness in her eyes. The warmth of the inferno  clashing against the ice of her soul. The smoke choking her lungs, stinging her eyes, the burn on her finger tingling with pain; all of this couldn't drag her away from the satisfaction of watching such monstrous fires consume the bits of herself which were on those pieces of paper. Seeing the black and blue ink, the crisp white paper turn to meaningless ash, become nothing but dust blown in the wind.

*(Original image not owned by me)

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