Storms of peace

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  The rain beat down on the pavement of the road. Her arms outstretched, her heart soaring. Each thunderous lightning strike ripping through the skies like a war taking place between dark and light. The stars and moon hid behind the clouds, shrouded in darkness. As the storm raged on, the girl stood there soaked from head to toe. Her clothes clung to her skin while her hair blew uncontrollably in the gale force winds. She looked around, her eyes just as wild and free as the night's storm.Her grin as wicked as the howling winds. Her eyes twinkled like the silver around her neck.
      She easily climbed on to the wall and sat there on the ledge, her legs dangling freely.  In the cold, harsh and unforgiving storm she felt at peace. The rain water washed away her bleeding wounds, her sorrows; it drowned her demons and the winds blew away the monsters. She looked down and leaped off the wall, smoothly landing next to the motorbike. She swung herself onto the bike and lay on it under the wailing clouds. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the air, her lungs filling up as though for the first time she felt alive. Her reckless soul was at ease, her panicked heart at rest, her wandering mind in her reigns. In this beautiful chaotic mess, she felt perfectly in sync, as though this very chaos was where she belonged. Lying on the bike, she let the rain mercilessly pour down on her. With nature's rhythm by her side, she sung with the thunder claps her drums and the beat in her heart a constant hum. This was...absolute perfection. 

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