Let yourself be free

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  Let yourself burst open, let the music in your soul fill out the dullness around you. Dear, paint the world in your own colour. Let your words written on paper move the stone hearts in your midst. Let the beat in your feet shake the earth. Let your voice speak volumes and be carried by the winds to the corners of the world. Let your silence hold wisdom, shared in times of need. Let yourself be free and wild. Darling let yourself be you, let yourself fly, let yourself damn sink in the oceans of your own soul. Let your fires burn bright. Let the storm inside of you out, winds blowing everything else out of their path. Let your seas wash away your pain. Let the depth of your soul drown away the sorrows. Oh dear, just let yourself be free. Free without fearing judgement, without chains, without barriers. Scream if you must, yell your demons out of yourself.
  Your art, your poetry, your music, all of it, let it out. Let it go on rampaging among the endless forests, soaring through the winds, surfing over waters, igniting in flames.

Just let it out.

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