Noble act?

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  "Look here," he spoke, holding the knife she had handed him. He suddenly cut the upper part of her arm causing her to yelp and jump back. "What is wrong with you?!" She yelled, tears now streaming down her cheeks. She clutched her bleeding arm stepping back and let trepidation set in. "Why the hell did you do that?!" She screeched outraged and hurt. He held the knife in front of her and spoke in a monotonous manner, "I showed you what you're doing to yourself. You hand someone a weapon and trust them to not hurt you with it. You have faith that they won't use the power you give them against you. You're naïve for believing any of this. People will take the first chance they get to exploit this advantage which only results in yo suffering.  You care too much and then you're the one left wounded, no one else." She wanted nothing more than to slap him right across the face. "Was this the only way to prove your point?! You think that by you hurting me in order to "show" me my mistake you become some saviour? Some noble warrior? That you can justify yourself?!" She shouted with her throat tightening as though she were suffocating. "You know what?! You're right! I can't trust anyone, not even you! You've really shown me what my worth actually is. Thank you for clearing any illusions I had..." She spoke, her voice breaking off at the end.

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