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I wake up, tucked into bed with a pounding headache. Why do I have a headache? I get up and walk down the hall to Peeta and Rose playing a game.

"Hi guys."

"Hey, Mommy! You still loopy?"

"Umm.... no? Oh that's right .... after the surgery I was supposed to get loopy. Was it fun taking care of me then?" I wink as I say the last part.

Peeta pipes in with a long no.

"What'd I do?"

"A lot. I filmed you he whole time, so you can watch it. I'll pop the tapes into the television now, if you'd like."

"I'm a bit scared but alright."

"You should be scared. You said Daddy's arms were toasters."

"Ohhh ....."

Peeta grabs the tape and sticks it into the t.v. , pressing play. I listen to myself act like an idiot for a long time.

"You're lying! I never did any of that stuff? Is this edited?! A lot?!?!"

"No, you did all of this. I swear." Peeta says.

I run into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and a piece of Peeta's bread. It's so good! I continue to watch in disbelief as I said everything. When Peeta says he loved me even on loopy gas, I awwwhh.

"AWHHH! I love you Peeta!"

I hug him quickly as the film ends.

"And that was our interesting journey with you the past 2 nights."

"I am sorry for all the trouble I gave you."

"Don't worry, I'm just glad the kids are alright."

"Me too. Rose, time for bed. It's getting late. Get ready then I'll tuck you in."

"I want Daddy to tuck me in!"

I feel a bit upset and Peeta can tell. He gives me a quick squeeze and says that he will tuck her in when she is ready.

"Katniss, it's nothing personal. She loves you so much. You know that, right?"

I begin to sob quietly.

"Yeah, I know. These Hormones are all over the place!"

Peeta laughs and wipesoff my tears. He motions me to lean my head against his shoulder and I don't object one bit. He hugs me and rubs my back. Rose comes sprinting back to us in a pink nightgown telling Peeta to tuck her in. Peeta gets up after hugging me one last time and brings Rose to bed. While he does that, I get into my pajamas and get ready for bed also. I close my eyes as I lay above the covers on the bed. I feel the weight shift on the bed and I reckon Peeta has come beside me. I open one eye and look to make sure. Yup, it's him. He kisses my nose and just sit there, cuddling. I listen to his heartbeat, lulling me to a deep sleep. Before I can sleep though, I speak up.

"Peeta, how are we going to deal with 3 children?"

"Just like how we deal with 1 child. As best as we can."

"I'm worried."

"You are always worried when it comes to a kids and you always love the output. Relax, alright? I promise, I'll be there right beside you through everything."

"Oh I know you will or I will kill you. If you leave me with 3 children, not only will they be dead eventually; so will you."

Peeta laughs.

"Alright, I get it. No leaving you with children .... unless I'm looking for a death sentence for the kids and a suiside for me."

"Now you are getting it!"

We stay silent for about 20 minutes more until Peeta speaks up again.

"How long are you?" He asks.

"Uhhh I think around 5-6 months." I reply.

He nods and we stay silent for another 20 minutes until it's midnight.

"Your birthday is coming up soon, what would you like?"

"Just what I have! I have a wonderful , pregnant fiance and a little daughter. Exactly what I have, I want."

"You must want something, Peeta!"

"I want those kids out sooner but other than that, nothing."

"Oh trust me, I'm with you on that wish. Not exactly really pleasant for me, either."

"You know I would take all the pain and burden from you in one second, right?"

"Of course I know that! And I wouldn't let you."

"You would eventually."

"Well good thing you can't because I don't want another thing to worry about."

"I would take that worry too!"

"Okay, now you are just being a hopeless romantic."

"You haven't found out by now that I am a hopeless romantic?"

"Oh, I have, trust me. And I like that about you. I LOVE that about you."

"Thank you. We better sleep, it's past midnight."


He reaches over and turns off the lights. I won't let go of him to sleep. The last time I did, I had crazy nightmares. I'm never letting go of this boy. EVER.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now