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"Rose! Who did this to you?!"

"Nobody, mother .... I just tripped."

"Rose .... your father and I can't do anything unless you tell us who did this to you. Don't lie!" I say, irritated.

Peeta speaks up after Rose sprints to her room, slamming the door hard.

"She'll tell us when she's ready. Just leave her be."

"I'm worried about her!"

"Me too, but we just have to let her be."

"Alright I guess ...."


"Kids, welcome back Mr. Mellark and Miss Everdeen!"

"Hi!" The kids scream.

"Hi everyone .... um anybody have anymore questions before the film starts" I say, suddenly feeling timid.

Nobody raised their hand. I started the film and Peeta and I stand and watch from the side of the room.

Suddenly, I feel like crying. I let silent tears roll down my face and nobody notices. After about 5 minutes, Peeta looks my way and notices. He hugs me and asks me why I am crying. I respond with no answer and tears still come down. I don't now why I'm crying, honestly. I don't even feel sad. Maybe the memories triggered something .... or something like that. I had no idea that it was even possible. Peeta looks at me and holds me tight. We watch all the way through the reaping, training and everything else, until the interviews and games. When Peeta confessed his love for me, the class awhhhhes along with the crowd in the video. In the games, I can't watch anything before Peeta and I ally. Looking away until I hear my voice scream Peeta's name, tears still come in my eyes. When I look back at the television, Peeta is not in the mud anymore and he has blood everywhere; especially his left leg. Beginning to hiccup, I dash out of the room. I already seen him 3 times in this video, and I don't need to see his blood again. I sit on the wall outside the classroom door and cry. People look at me and instaletly recognize that I'm Katniss Everdeen, then walk right past me. Suddenly, the tears stop. The hiccups hault. My life could be worse. Peeta could be dead. Rose would have never existed. Peeta could have never been cured from the hijacking. I could be dead. I SHOULD be dead. Just then, Peeta walks out of the classroom and silently, we walk home. At home, I start to feel sick. I feel sick to my stomach again. Peeta still holds my hand, ushering me to our bedroom. He closes the door.

"Katniss, why are you being so moody? Why are you getting sick randomly? What's up?" He asks, clearly confused.

Why am I so moody and sick? I could be having anxiouty attacks. That wouldn't be surprising. I flop downwards on to the bed and try to connect dots. This is the hardest game of connect the dots ever! Suddenly, a stupid thought hits me hard. I could be pregnant. I scream into the bed and Peeta comes up to me and sits on the bed. He's still clueless. He has a concerned expression on his face and he holds me close, willing me to talk. I keep my lips sealed. I can't be pregnant! I mean I can, but, this isn't happening. I know we agreed to another, but I wanted to actually have the baby when I want this time! Peeta keeps nudging me and I give up trying to hold in my feelings.

"Peeta, I ..... I'll have to tell you later."

"Tell me now, please! I want to know what's wrong!"

"Absolutely NOTHING is wrong! Everything is right! I just ... need to sort things out."

"Katniss I wa-"

"I ... I MIGHT BE .... PREGNANT, OKAY?!" I yell as I storm off out of the bedroom.

I hear no noise. Peeta is probably trying to bring together his thoughts and feelings also. For now, I need to know if I'm going to have another kid. I leave the house and run to hob. The hob has built back up since the bombing and only the victors village part of 12 is empty. Well, except Haymitch, Peeta, Rose and I. I sprint to the hob and into the pharmacy. I quickly grab a pregnancy test and pay. The cashier stops me after seeing my face.

"Katniss Everdeen! Katniss where you been? Everyone! It's Katniss!" He exclaims.

Everyone looks my way and I make sure the bad isn't transparent. Nobody can know about it. Everyone's face lights up.

"Looks like Katniss has been hanging out with Peeta lately!"

A couple of customers ask what he means. He whispers in their ears. A smile brings to all their faces. Someone can't hold themselves in and screams.


That's my que to run and don't stop. I grab my bag that is being mauled by people and run. I run all the way home. A few people try to catch up to me and follow me, but they are slow. I outrun them easily. I reach the porch steps, panting. I sit to catch my breath. Suddenly, a few people come out from behind me and I sprint towards the woods, so they won't find me. I slip under the fence and into the woods. I sit, taking in all of what happened. Working up the courage to test myself, I take the test out of the bag. I unwrap it and find myself with more courage and bravery than I thought. I put it in and close my eyes and wait. I hear a beep. Finding myself eagerly checking, my eyes wander to the test. My mouth feels dry as my eyes drift down. I close them, still not willing to look. This device is telling my future. My courage is fading quickly, so I must look. I feel sick. I look and cry. Of happiness or sadness? I don't know which. All I know is that the test is positive.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now