CHAPTER 12 ((teaser chapter))

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((This is just a mini chapter to keep you hooked! ^.^ A real chapter will be up soon! There is some "sexual" content in this, but it isn't that bad))

We stand in our bedroom, our lips crashing into one another's. We explode with passion for each other after the best day in the woods ever. We kiss for what seems for a while and then our kiss turns french. I hungrily kiss him and he sucks on my bottom lip. His warm breathe puffs out onto my face, making me feel like royalty. I don't deserve Peeta's love, and I never will, but I'm just lucky enough that be won't ever leave me. Peeta is my sky, Rose being my sun. All of a sudden, Peeta pulls me onto the bed. I laugh as he puts his hand up my shirt, yanking off my top. I break my embrace with my right hand, my left hand still firmly on his waist, and tug off his shirt. I swipe my hand up and down his hard abbs. He unhooks my bra and I toss it on the floor. He traces my breasts while I take off his pants. We swiftly move under the bed sheets and the rest of the night is a blur.


Heheeheheh things 12 year old girls know now-a-days. :3 Having never been in love, I think I write romance pretty well if i do say so myself! ^.^ Yep, I'm 12 :3. Maybe I know all this because I have a teenage sister and a sister with 2 kids. Yesterday, my sister yelled " I saw bugs having sex!" .... now you know what I go through ..... anyways, here you go! <3

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,

Hannah <3

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