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I wake with Peeta in my face. I look around the room and confussion and sickness sweeps over me. What is happening? What just happened? Why is Peeta concerned? I feel just like I have the flu. I know it was more than the flu because Peeta wouldn't be reacting this way. I WANT to remember what happened before I woke up. I am sweating, but have the chills. I am focused, yet dazed. At any cost, I don't make eye contact with Peeta. He frustratingly shakes me and I still daze out the window into nothing. The trees blow, leaves falling at the strong force.

"Katniss! Katniss?!? Are you okay? Look at me, baby!"

I glance for a second, then consuntrate into his eyes. I daze into his sharp blue eyes, but I'm unaware of anything. Staring into nothing. His expression looks upset and confused. I don't like him being so worried about me so I say,

"I'm fine. I want to get up."

Then i remembered what happened and tell Peeta everything. I glance down occasionatly at my injured hand, and find it wrapped in bandages every time I look. He hugs me affectionatly and I accept his embrace. Rose is still looking at us, and it makes me feel uncomfortable, but I let her continue her staredown. Peeta has me put on my pajamas and climbs into bed with me. Peeta wraps his arms protectivly around me and i lie on his chest. His heartbeat is getting me drowsy again. I kiss his chest, right over his heart, and he hugs me more to tell me that he understands my gesture. His hand rubs the tips of my fingers, to my neck bone, and back down repeativly. I shyly kiss him, our lips barely touching. Cautionsly, I give him a genuine smile, then I lie on top of his heart again and being to lose focus of the living world, and drift to the dream and nightmare world. Today, it happened to be nightmare world.

I am in the arena again and Peeta is sleeping right next to me. He is hot from fever and is shivering and sweating. I cautiously kneel over him, my hair swiping his chest, and wipe the sweat from his face. I examine his features. His hair is falling in clumps, because of the sweat. His eyes are lazily closed. Peeta's mouth is slightly open and he breathes through it. Hearing a small noise I think is game, I get up and tuck Peeta back into the sleeping bag and tip toe out of our cave. Waiting for me outside is the career pack. I gasp and try to run away. As I run, I shoot Marvel in the chest; dead. A sharp pain runs through me. I look down at my calf, bleeding and burning with pain. Blood runs down me. I still sprint through the pain and agony. I run and still the pain worsens as they shoot me with all kinds of weapons.

When i wake, I'm tied to a tree. In the middle of the woods.


:D sorry it is SUPER short! It's just a teaser sorta :) Enjoy COMMENT! VOTE! :D

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,


Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now