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Waking up, I eagerly jump out of bed to start the day. I've never cared about what I've worn before, but now I suddenly have a need to go raid my closets and find a perfect bathing suit and outfit. Today, I will be well prepared. I walk out of bed, and everyone is still sleeping. The house is eerily silent. The floorboards in the hallway, creak, as I step upon them. I walk slowly, one foot in front of the other, until I reach the living room. The clock reads 5:30 a.m. but I am far from being tired. I'm so pumped up about today, I just noticed I was smiling, and my face hurt. Also, my breathing pace is unsteady, my heart beating abnormally fast for my liking. I decided that hunting will pass the time, so I slip on some trashy, old clothes and throw on my brown leather boots. Just the way it used to be before The Hunger Games. I open the door and sneakily and scoot out, silently shutting the door behind me. I slowly walk to the fence. Knowing the power won't be on, I put my hand on it, preparing to go underneath it, into the meadow that leads to the woods. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The fence is on. I pull back my hand and look at it. There is blood coming out of it and my whole hand is spazzuming and is bright red. My eyes threaten to spill tears and suddenly I can't help myself. I let out a silent cry of pain and immedietly wish I hadn't. A jabberjay off in the distance, heard my voice and paused it's song, and lets out my shrill scream instead. Then another jabberjay catches onto the absurd tune. And more copy the exact thing I let myself come out a minute ago. I'm so distracted by the jabberjays, I forget my hand. There is blood coming out of a gash in my palm, and I think a finger is slightly burnt, and I smell the horrid smell of my flesh burning. I am going to need help, now. I don't want to handle this myself, but I don't want to disturb Peeta and Rose. A figure out of the woods comes barreling towards the meadow.

"Katniss?!" Gales voice cries above the racket of the jabberjays.

"Gale, I'm here! It's okay! The fence is on and .... I found out the wrong way!" I respond, tears gathering in the corners of my eyes.

This pain matches the pain of when I burnt my calf. It is horrifing that the capitol would do this to someone off the streets. Thinking of the Hunger Games, it isn't that surprising anymore. They would do that. The capitol would hurt innocent people, and they already have; at least 24 people each year. Only 23 get out of the pain and flashbacks though. I slightly envy them, then I realize I was just wishing I was dead. Never would I wish that! I press against my hand with my other hand; my good one, because pressure will slow the blood. It is still spazzing from the electric shock. I let a tear silently roll down my left cheek. Gale is closer to the fence now, and I can see him. His face has a worried expression and he wore the outfit he wore before the reaping, when we were hunting. He is sprinting at full speed towards to. Gale holds no game and no weapon.

"Don't touch the fence! It's on!"

He is right in front of me now, but there is no way he can help me or I can help him. He is stuck in the woods until they turn the fence off. My heart beats faster and faster because my hand has no treatment. The shock of the fence is going through my body, slowly but painfully.

"Go home, Katniss! Help yourself there, and get Peeta to also help." Gale says with concern. "Worry about me later, I can survive for a couple of hours."

I have complete faith in him, so I sprint to my house, adrediline running through me. My heart beats faster ad faster. I think I might pass out. I barrel through the door and scream.

"Peeta! Rose!"

I lay on the couch, wincing in pain. I wait for someone to come ot of their door and look for me. Luckily, Rose is a super light sleeper. She approaches me and gasps.

"Mommy, what happened?"

"I'll tell you later, Baby. Just go get your father!"

Rose stays still, shocked by my appearence.

"Rose, go get daddy!!!"

She snaps out of her trance and bolts to our bedroom door. I hear Peeta groaning as Rose shakes him awake.

"Daddy! Daddy! Mommy's hand exploded!" Rose exaggerated ..... just a bit. Either way, it got Peeta out of bed. He springs up and rushes to my side.

I can't breath well because of the shock, so I try to explain;

"Fence. On. Can't. Breat-" At that I vomit all over myself. Peeta immedietly hops up and grabs me a bucket. Since I obviously can't talk anymore, I shut up. Peeta, Rose and I stare at each other in silence. Then, not talking it anymore, the shock in my heart, I close my eyes and pass out.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now