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The doctors have me breathe into a plastic mask. They say to take deep breaths and that after the surgery I might be a bit loopy. They warn Peeta or this and he agrees to hold my hand until the doctors tell him to leave. He looks worried but I reassure him I will be fine. He swipes my hair from my eyes and mummbles something I can't hear. I start to breathe slower and my eyes begin to spasm shut. I can still feel Peeta's hand squeeze me tightly while people are putting more IV's into my arms. The world goes black and my mind fades away.

When I wake again there is sweat beading my forehead. Even though I am sweaty, I am cold. Nobody is anywhere in the room with me but I hear talking outside the door. The door has a tinted window so I can only see the outlines of humans talking on the other side. I just listen to the soft mumbles leaking into my ears. I am very uncomfortable and my body is stuck onto the metal bed from sweat. You you know that feeling when you just don't want to move no matter how uncomfortable you are? That's what I'm feeling right now. I feel super spacey and can't focus on much. The figures in the door move so they look conjoined. Hahahaha they look like they are kissing! A little figure comes into view. Look! They had a kid! Heeheee ahahahahaha! :D The door cracks open and Peeta and Rose comes scurrying into my room.

"Congratulations on having a kidddddd!" I say.

He looks at me strangely and it makes me giggle. He pretends like he didn't just have that kid! Silly him!

"Don't pretend you didn't just have a kid outside my door!"

Rose looks up at Peeta and Peeta looks down at Rose. They both don't speak at all to each other or me.

"Why so silent?!"

They still don't talk.

"You are just trying to annoy me now, aren't you?!"

I give off a grouchy face and puff out my lips. They still say silent. Rose giggles a bit though. A doctor walks in and he looks strangely familiar. Then I recognize him.

"Hey! You are the person outside my door who had a kid with Peeta! Congratulations!!!!"

I extend my arms for a hug and he laughs. Peeta looks at me as though I'm crazy. He whispers in Peeta's ear.

"Hey! Secrets don't make friends!"

Peeta nods, looking at me and the doctor backs away from his ear.

"Miss Everdeen, you are going to be discharged from the hospital now. The surgery went well and the baby girl is safe."

Then he begins to walk out of the door.

"Wait! What does discharge mean?! I know how to charge a cell phone but how do you discharge a person?! I didn't know I was even charged in the first place! Hello?!"

I am sooo confused. How do you discharge me? It better not be painful. Everything is silent and I close my eyes. I feel someone lift me but I am tired so I keep my eyes closed.

"Katniss, put on your clothes and shoes, we are going home.

"But the doctor needs to discharge me!"

"It's alright, I can discharge you at home. Go get ready."

"Did Mr. Doctor say I could leave?"

"Yes. Now go."


He places me on the floor and I stumble over to the bathroom and put on my clothes and shoes. The shoes don't feel right though.

"Peetaaaa, my feet feel weirdddd!" I whine.

"You have your shoes on the wrong feet."


I fix the shoes and Peeta carries me to the car. I look at my shoes.

"Look! My sneakers have bunny ears! They are playboy bunnies!"

"Yeah, they have bunny ears."

Rose is now breaking apart laughing. I ignore her and Peeta drops me on the couch when we get home.


"Then go to sleep!"


Then I close my eyes and dream of my sneakers being playboy bunnies.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and Peetaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن