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Rose is going to school and she loves it! She comes home everyday telling Peeta and I what she learned. So far, she hasn't said anything about the Hunger Games .... until today.

"Mommy! Mommy! Daddy! Can you come to school tomorrow? Please, please, please, please, please, please! I'll love you FOREVER!" she says, walking through the door.

"I thought you already loved us forever?" Peeta questions.

"I do! But I'll love you even MORE! Please! Please! Please! Please!"

"Why would we go to school tomorrow?" I ask suspiciously.

"To talk about the Hunger Games! We are learning about them now! The teacher said she would love having you guys come in! We have the film and everything! I can watch it again with the class! I can finally be cool!!!" She exclaims.

"Little Rosey, you already are cool to us! What does it matter what they think?"

"It doesn't! I just really want you to come to school! You can talk about your feelings to the class! It would be awesome! Please, guys!?"

Peeta shrugs.

"It's up to your mother." He says.

I speak up, " okay. I'll go. But I might do strange things. You musn't worry about Mommy if she runs out the for. Understand?"

"I understand."


I stand in front of the class. Peeta grips my hand and they all look at us with anticipation. The teacher has welcomed us to take the whole class today. Peeta, being the best with words, speaks first.

"Hello everyone! Before we start gong through the tape, does anyone have any quick questions?"

Almost everyone's hand shoots up, including Rose's. Peeta gestures at me, telling me to pick someone.

"Uhh so I get to know your names, when I call on you, can you say your name for me? Thanks. Uhhhmm .... the boy in the yellow shirt." I say, pointing at him.

"My name is Jaden. How did you both get out of the arena alive? How did you do it twice?"

"That, I'm afraid, must be answered in the video. Anybody else? Girl in the white blouse." I point at her.

"My name is Iris. What was it like in the games?"

Peeta and I both speak, over lapping each other. The class laughs as we look at each other, telling both of us to go. For about a minute or so, we we're still trying to figure out who will go first. I flick him in the forehead which gives the class a giant laugh as he jerks backward out of surprise.

"I guess I'm starting! It was dreadful. Terrible. Painful. Saddening. Horrifying. Stressful. It was like living in your worst nightmare. Think about living in it. That was how we felt." Peeta exclaims.

I nod, confirming that I agree.

"Any other questions? Quick questions please! You, in the denim dress."

"I'm Ivy and I was wondering .... Katniss? When did you first love Peeta? Peeta, when did you first love Katniss? I heard about your bread story, but I don't know the story. Can you explain it to me, please?" She says sweetly.

Awwhhh! She was ADORABLE! I loved Ivy! She folded her hands across her desk after she tucks her short, black hair behind her ears.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that first question." I say, looking at the floor.

"I loved Katniss since when I first layed eyes on her. I was your age." Peeta says, smilng at me. "I can tell you the story about the bread. When we were 11, Rose's mother was collapsed on the ground because of starvation. She was dying from the lack of food. The family had just lost their father, the one who feeds them. Her mother went into depression, so Katniss was head of the family. She couldn't hunt then. I saw her, dying, and I threw a burnt loaf of bread at her. It hit her and she escaped, chewing hungrily. I was beaten by my mother and stayed home from school for a week because of the bruises. It was the best sacrifice I made."

Everyone awwwhhhhs. Soon, the teacher speaks up.

"It's time for lunch, I'm afraid. Mr. Mellark and Miss. Everdeen, do you mind coming back tomorrow?"

"Of course not! We would love to." I tell the teacher.

Peeta and I walk home and compliment each other on our speaking to the class. After we get home, I feel different. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe it's because I brought up this topic again. All of a sudden, bile comes to my throat. I go to the bathroom and vomit quickly. What was that about?

"Katniss, are you alright? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. My stomach is just a bit off."

"Okay." He says, kissing my cheek.

Rose comes home 3 hours later ............... with a black eye. What the hell happened to her? Who did this? Whoever did, is in serious trouble.

Continuing the Lives of Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now