(46) what destiny wants- part 1

Start from the beginning

Caitlin shot up with a gasp and looked around the unfamiliar room, the room was immpicaulate and there was some soft music playing somewhere.

She peeled back the silver silk covers and climbed out of bed Caitlin looked around the room and it was then she realised she was wearing a blue silk night gown along with a thin white silk dressing gown.

She hesitantly walked towards the door and pushed down the silver handle and walked outside into a short hall near some stairs.

She walked down the stairs slowly and when she reached the bottom she was in a living room with large open fire, two large sofas, a TV and a coffee table.

But that's not what drew her attention what drew her attention was the man wearing silk blue pajamas pacing in the living room.

As if sensing her he turned around to face her.

"Ummm hello, have I been kidnapped?" She asked awkwardly and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Uh...I- uh don't know..."

Caitlin walked quickly towards the door as the pacing guy watched her open the door.

She frowned and turned to him "are you a kidnapper or a serial killer?"


She belived him she wasn't sure why she just did.

"Do you want to escape with me then"

"I don't know everything about this seems to easy"

She nodded in agreement but took a step outside anyway "well I'm not dead yet so we might as well give it a shot"

She walked out side to descover she was on the beach.

"Oh wow" she breathed where ever she was it was beautiful.

"My names Barry" the guy introduced.

"Caitlin" she replied "do you have any idea where we are? or how we got here or who changed our clothes?"

Barry shook his head "I woke up a few minutes before you did I don't think to check the other rooms to see if there was anybody else in the house but I don't think we're in any danger"

She nodded and continued to walk further into the beach.

It hut her suddenly and she stope dead in her tracks.

"What is It?"

"Listen, what do you hear?"

Barry listen for a few seconds "nothing"

"Exactly we're at a beach right we should be able to hear something but there's nothing no segals, no music, no cars, I don't even think the sea is making a noise"

he frowned and listened again "your right that's weird I think we should go back to the house now maybe there's a clue there to where we are"

Caitlin nodded in agreement and they both walked back to the house.

"I'll check all the rooms upstairs you check the rooms down stairs"

Barry nodded "if you find anything shout me"

The first door caitlin came to was an empty bedroom much like the one she'd woke up in expect it was laid out difrrentky and she guessed it was Barry's room.

All the draws were empty along with the wardrobe and the desk there was just nothing in that room that could help them.

The next room she went into was the bathroom it was a fairly large room with dark grey walls and a dark floor to match there was a large shower with 3 heads surrounded by glass walls and 4 floor length mirrors there was 2 sinks both made out of clear glass and creating the allusion of water falling into nothing.

The next room caitlin went into was the room she had woken up in and with a quick check she realised there was nothing in there either.

The finally room she went into was comepletley diffrent from the rest.

It was a nursery for a baby girl the room stuck to the theme of the others with its silver walls and expensive furniture but this room was diffrent this room had pictures in pictures of her and Barry and the baby.

It was a nursery for a baby girl the room stuck to the theme of the others with its silver walls and expensive furniture but this room was diffrent this room had pictures in pictures of her and Barry and the baby

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"Barry! You should come see this" she yelled

"Coming!" He called back.

Caitlin ventured further into the room and ran her finger tips along the cool steel bars of the coat.

She picked up the baby pink blanket hanging over the side she read the name embroidered on it "...Lydia"


She turned around to look at Barry, still clutching the blanket "look at the photos"

Barry picked up a photo frame and studied it wide eyed "d-do you have a child?"

She shook her head "no, do you?"


"Then where did this photo come from?" She wondered aloud

A throat cleated from behind them making them both startle and drop the photo.

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