"Steven, what do you think your doing. I sent her away to protect her, I asked you to protect her," Alain snapped.

"I am aware. However you asked me to protect her. What better way to protect her than to help her become stronger. Also, you asked me to protect her, not keep her on house arrest. She wanted to come to you, so I followed to make sure she stayed safe," Steven replied calmly.

"Give it up Alain you lost this time. Now if you'll excuse me, Chespie and I are going to look for Zygarde. Come on Chespie, last one to Zygarde is a rotten egg," Mairin said, then ran off.

Chespie shook his head, then ran off after her.

"What an interesting young woman, Whimsical and high spirited. It seems opposites attract applies with you two," Steven commented.

"Shut up," was all Alain said to Steven.

Alain then jumped back onto Charizard's back and flew off after Mairin, Steven followed on top of Metagross.


Ash and Clemont had been making good time towards Prism Tower. They were almost there, in just a few minutes Ash was going to make Team Flare regret taking Serena.

"Ash look," Clemont said pointing towards the upper part of the tower.

Ash looked and saw a huge hole in the side of the building.

"That should be where my gym is. If Serena isn't in there there is a private elevator that can get us anywhere in the tower fast," Clemont explained.

Charizard heard them talking and changed course for the large hole.


A large crash was heard, coming from the ground level. They all looked and saw a large red Gyarados burst out of the building from the ground floor.

It looked different from a normal Gyarados, aside from the fact it was red. It was significantly bulkier than normal, with its fins also considerably longer, and now has two large white fins it's back.

"It looks like someone has a Gyarados in there that can mega evolve also," commented Ash.

"Looks that way," Clemont added.

The Gyarados then fired a powerful stream of water from its mouth. Charizard skillfully dodged and backed away.

"Looks like were going to have to deal with that Mega Gyarados before we can get in," Ash commented.

"Maybe not. I have an idea," Charizard interjected.

Ash was shocked by this, but was also nervous to ask, as Charizard's plan was going to some how involve him battling the Gyarados.

"What's your plan," Ash asked nervously.

"Simple, I charge at him. When we collide I'll buck sending the rest of you flying towards the building. I'll do it in a way so that you'll go up at the glass," Charizard explained.

"Charizard, I don't know the range for mega evolution. You might end up fighting him like this," Ash cautioned.

Charizard smiled, "good. I could use a good work out."

Ash sighed and explained the plan to Clemont, who seemed less than excited about it, but accepted none the less.

Charizard flew around so that they would be facing a large glass section, then flew in towards Gyarados at full speed. As they closed in Ash grabbed the back of Clemont's coveralls to make sure he went the right way when they left Charizard. Charizard's claws glowed white as he prepared to use slash. Charizard then slammed into Mega Gyarados's head, digging his claws into the side as he pivoted his back end up, launching his passengers into the air.

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