"I'd have fed her but I wanted to wait for you, she still seems a little sick"

"Nice excuse" she smirked, setting down a bowl of oatmeal in front of Millie.

She placed, fruit, cereal and toast down on the table and told me to help myself to what I wanted.

She joined us at the table and sipped her coffee whilst spoon feeding Millie.

"Come on melody, eat up. We've go a long day today" she prompted.

I looked at all the food and eventually decided an apple would be the healthiest option. She have me a worried glance but shook it off when I took the first bite.

"What's the plan for today dem?" Wilmer asked her as he poured another cup off coffee.

"Well I was thinking you could go down to the police station and explain our situation and I could take the girls shopping seeing as melody doesn't have anything here"

"Oh so you get the fun part?"

"You can always come and carry the bags" she winked

"No it's fine, I'll go to the police" he said holding his hands up.

"Wait! Why do you have to go to the police!" I suddenly said in a wave of panic.

"Melody calm down sweetheart, you're not going to get in trouble but Wilmer and I might if we don't inform them that you're in our care" demi explained

"So you don't have to tell them about my mom and stepdad?"

They exchanged a knowing glance before Wilmer spoke

"We kind of have no choice, they may think we have kidnapped you. And what they did was wrong sweetheart"

"Will I have to talk to them?"

"Probably sweetie but you'll be ok. All you have to do is tell the truth" demi replied

I didn't trust my voice so I simply nodded.

Due to the serious conversation happening over breakfast Demi was distracted so wasn't concentrating when I stood up and discarded the half eaten apple in the bin.

Demi took Millie to get ready. And Wilmer went for a shower. I showered in the bathroom in my room and changed into my spare outfit. It's not worth describing it's nothing special.

I was just finishing off brushing my hair when a knock came at my door. I told whoever it was to come in so in came Wilmer. I naturally tensed up at being alone in a room with a man.

"Melody, can we talk?"

I nodded and despite my nerves forced a smile.

"Come here sweetheart"

He perched on the end of the bed and patted the space next to him. I sat down and nervously waited for what was going to happen.

"Is there anything you want to tell me about your mom and stepdad before I go to the police?"

Inside I was screaming at myself to tell him everything that happened and about the mysterious letter but I couldn't get anything out.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing happened

I couldn't.

"Melody it's ok, you can trust me"

"I've got nothing to tell you"

"Would you feel more comfortable talking to Demi?"

"There's nothing to say" I said again

"Ok well I'm just warning you, social services and the police will want to speak with you."

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